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  1. 本书为上海泰东图书局出版,郭沫若与该书局关系密切,说明此文应非假托与伪造。

    This book was published by Shanghai Taidong Press .

  2. 工程硕士学位文应在学校导师和企业导师的共同指导下,经调研、资料查阅后,写出选题报告。

    With the joint guidance of the school and enterprise mentors , engineering graduates should write out topic selection report after further research and data access .

  3. 科技期刊图表文应一致的内容及编校要领科技期刊强化量和单位编校工作的对策

    Keep Consistency of Figure , Table and Text in Manuscripts of Sci-tech Periodicals and Editorial Strategy The countermeasures for science and technology periodicals strengthening the editing and proofreading work of quantity and unit

  4. 又有一些法律专家说,我国目前尚未引入脑死亡标准,现今一直采用“心跳”作为判断生死的标准,所以文应被判有罪。

    But some law experts say that now we still have not adopted that standard . Rather , we still stick to heartbeat standard to judge death presently , so Wen should be punished .

  5. 在阅读此文时应注意其中使用了有点过时的SKOS版本。

    Be careful because this article uses a slightly out of date version of SKOS .

  6. 该文建议应采用照明功率密度(LPD)作为隧道照明的节能评价指标。

    This article suggests that lighting power density ( LPD ) should become the evaluating index of tunnels energy-saving lighting .

  7. 中学文言文教学应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems Needing Attention in Classical Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools

  8. 文言文注释应重视同义连用现象魏晋六朝汉译佛经中的同义连用总括范围副词初论

    Pay Attention to Synonymy Phenomenon in Annotation of Classical Chinese

  9. 该文认为应在满足水印不可感知性的前提下,基于图像的内容自适应地限制水印的嵌入功率。

    We think that watermark power should be constrained according to the content of image .

  10. 从目前的考试蓝图来看,新加坡的华文教学应在吸取语言知识的基础上提高阅读能力和技巧的培养。

    According to the new Chinese language test format , through studying language knowledge , Chinese language teaching is able to improve students ' reading skills .

  11. 但是今天的土耳其政府主张任何没有得到正规许可或来源可疑的文物,都是被从土耳其偷走的,所以这些文物理应属于土耳其。

    Today , however , the government argues that any object without the correct permissions or with gaps in its provenance has been stolen and so belongs to Turkey .

  12. 浸会大学文学院应教育统筹局的邀请,于暑期为资优中学生开办两项大学学分课程。

    The Faculty of Arts has been commissioned by the Education and Manpower Bureau to offer during the summer two credit-bearing courses in humanities and creative writing for gifted secondary students .

  13. 古诗文音注应符合普通话读音碳水化合物二元标记法

    Phonetic Notation of Ancient Poems Should Conform to Standard Chinese Pronunciation

  14. 医学论文英文文题书写应注意的几个问题

    Problems Attracting more Attention in the Article Heading of English Medical thesis

  15. 文中提示应保持不变。

    Reminder of the text shall remain unchanged .

  16. 但是,在文到后应一律改按本文规定执行。

    However , the tax collection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions upon receipt of this document .

  17. 可持续发展等三方面探讨二者关系。文中就应力波的传播讨论了碰撞作用的持续时间等问题。

    Lasting development . In terms of finding out the regulation of stress wave spreading the lasting time of collision is deduced .

  18. 对于欧拉表达式中的几何方程和连续条件,文中指出应采用合理度量及正确表达式。

    In this paper , the reasonable measures of stress and strain and the right expression of geometric equation and continuity condition are pointed .

  19. 论建筑企业适应市场变革增强竞争力的几点措施文中的应力场是借助于仿射变换的方法通过复变应力函数得到的。

    Speed up reform Enhance competitive force Suit market change ; Based on the complex function theory , the stress field was achieved by affine transformation .

  20. 在德语项目教学的研究中,德语应用文翻译教学应重视文体学理论培养及翻译训练有效结合的问题。

    In the research of German project-teaching , it is essential that the stylistics be effectively combined with translation training in the teaching of translation of Germen practical writing .

  21. 该文介绍了应化专业开设综合化学实验的原则、目的及内容的选择,并介绍了应化专业在教学方法上如何培养学生的创新能力。

    This article introduces principle , aim and content choose of synthetic chemistry experiment of applied chemistry specialties and introduces how to foster students ' ability of blazing new trails .

  22. 我在文中本应说明这一点:当就可伸缩性进行权衡时,你是在某种程度上承受技术负债。

    One point I didn 't make in the article , but probably should have : When making tradeoffs regarding scalability , you are at some level incurring technology debt .

  23. 高中文言文教学,应以学生在文言文学习领域的发展为目标;有关教学策略的选择,既要体现新课程理念,又要焕发出传统语文教学艺术的魅力。

    It should be taken as a goal to make the student to domain development in learning ancient Chinese . The teaching strategy both must manifest the new curriculum idea , and must glow the traditional language teaching art the charm .

  24. 为此文中提出应利用先进的信息技术,在会计信息系统中构建与投资者的沟通平台,为投资者提供他们想要的信息,赢得他们的信任,以降低企业资金成本,提高公司价值。

    The author proposes that we should use advanced information technology to provide a channel to communicate with investors in AIS which can provide information they need , to win their trust , and to decrease capital costs while improving corporate value .

  25. 国债政策怎样在对经济增长的正负作用之间进行平衡抉择,文中提出应进一步优化政府投资结构,鼓励、扩大民间资本投资,完善政策配套手段等。

    As for how to get balance between the positive and negative roles of treasury bonds policy to economic growth , the paper gives some countermeasures such as further optimizing the government investment structure , encouraging and expanding the private capital investment and perfecting the support policies .

  26. 文中引用Kelvin应力解求得了拉力型预应力锚索钢绞线侧壁、锚索孔壁剪应力τ沿轴向分布,求得了压力型预应力锚索孔壁剪应力τ及正应力σ沿轴向分布。

    This paper refersed to Kelvin stress solution and gained the wall on pulling prestressed anchoring cable steel noose and shearing stress τ of the side panel , the paper also gained the shearing stress rand normal stress σ along axis of bore wall on compressing prestressed anchoring cable .

  27. 文康市政司应设置一注册簿,以登记根据第3条规定所送交之新书刊。

    The Secretary shall maintain a register of every new book delivered to him under section 3 .

  28. 应用文是近年来应社会需要而益显重要的一种文体。

    Practical writing is a style which meets the need of the society and has grown more important in recent years .

  29. 该文从缺口顶端应力场和循环塑性区的展开出发对试件结果作了分析和讨论。

    Based upon the analysis of the solutions of stress field and circular plastic zone at crack tip , the obtained results are discussed .

  30. 从管理人和托管人的权利来源及投资人享有权利性质来看,该文认为基金财产应属投资人所有。

    By analyzing the source of fund trustee the manager 's rights and the nature of the investors ' rights , I think the fund property belongs to the investors .