
  • 网络Cultural preferences
  1. 亚马逊网站服务(AmazonWebServices,简称AWS)高级副总裁安迪•雅西(AndyJassy)称,做出这个决定是因为欧洲企业的“文化偏好”。

    Andy Jassy , senior vice-president of Amazon Web Services , said the decision was because of the " cultural preferences " of companies in the region .

  2. 艺术市场是有关文化偏好的精明而易波动的表现指标,在将贪婪的目光投向新兴国家时从不迟钝。

    The art market , that shrewd and volatile performance indicator of cultural preferences , has not been slow to cast its voracious eye over emerging nations .

  3. 在简历上方放照片(这点是个文化偏好问题)。

    Photos on resumes ( this is a cultural preference ).

  4. 中国不是唯一有这些文化偏好的国家。

    China is not alone in these cultural predilections .

  5. 人力成本低廉、大城市缺少泊车位、坐车代表着身份的文化偏好,意味着中国大部分的汽车租赁都会配上司机。

    Low labour costs , lack of parking in big cities , and a cultural preference for being driven as a sign of status mean most car leases in China come with a driver .

  6. 而且,一个庞大、独断而又高度灵活的审查机器,并不是这种演变的唯一原因:与西方迥异的文化偏好与社会结构,也是推动.cn发展的力量。

    And it is not just the baleful presence of a vast , assertive and highly flexible censorship apparatus that accounts for this evolution : the formative forces of . cn also include cultural preferences and social structures that are very different from those of the west .

  7. 这项调查的目的是为了了解大城市年轻人的生活方式、生活态度及流行文化的偏好。

    The survey 's goal was to identify the lifestyles , attitudes and pop culture preferences of young people in major cities .

  8. 但如果你销售的是牛仔裤、手表或汽车,客户的文化消费偏好就将变得非常重要。

    But if you are selling a pair of jeans , a watch or a car , this is going to be very important .

  9. 一个被忽视的现象是:企业网络外在形式的多样性是与其所在的社会制度条件及文化价值偏好所嵌入的非正式制度的作用力有关。

    A phenomenon easy to be neglected is that the variation of outer forms of enterprises network is tightly related to the social institution conditions that it locates in and to the effect of informal institution embedded in social culture and moral value preference .

  10. 类型的艺术魅力植根于大众的文化趣味和偏好中,类型电影题材所承载表达的思想和价值具有普遍性。

    The charm of homemade movies is rooted in popular culture tastes and preferences , the type of movie themes and ideas expressed by the carrying value of universal .

  11. 中国文化下伴侣身高偏好的性别二态性研究

    Mate Preferences for Sexual Dimorphism in Height in China

  12. 文化因素对性别偏好的决定作用

    The Decision Role of Cultural Factor to Sexual Hobby

  13. 文化塑造企业家效用偏好,从而调节激励企业家的成本和方式;

    The culture factor affects the preference for the entrepreneur 's utility and adjusts the incentive cost and means .

  14. 因此对消费者行为的主要研究包括:文化产品的消费者偏好、效用、替代效应、使用边际分析的方法考察消费者的需求弹性、收入约束、时间约束等等。

    Those researches on consumer behaviour mainly included : hobby , usefulness , substitute effect , elasticity , income control , time control , etc.

  15. 他们通过在论坛中相互交流剧情预测、观后感等活动,构筑了共同的文化空间,形成了文化习惯和偏好,这些成为他们阶层生活方式的一部分。

    They exchange the story in the forum predicted , feedback and other activities though the web , and build a common cultural space , the formation of the cultural habits and preferences , such as their class way of life .

  16. 中国文化倾向于鼓励消极地使用禁忌语,而西方文化偏好积极地运用禁忌语;两种禁忌语的使用起源于迥异的宗教背景。

    Chinese culture tends to encourage negative use of language taboos , whereas English culture tends to prefer positive use of language taboos .