
jīng dū
  • kyoto;the capital of a country
京都 [jīng dū]
  • (1) [the capital of a country] 国都。京师

  • 有京都声。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • (2) 始称于司马晋时,因景王(司马师)讳师,故称京师为京都;或指日本故都,又称西京,在本州岛西南

京都[jīng dū]
  1. 京都曾是日本的首都。

    Kyoto used to be the capital of Japan .

  2. 京都是日本文化的发源地。

    Kyoto was the cradle of Japanese culture .

  3. 大阪府立大学的研究员青野靖之收集了京都从公元812年至今的历史文献和日志。

    Yasuyuki Aono , a researcher at Osaka Prefecture University , has gathered records from Kyoto back to 812 AD from historical documents and diaries .

  4. 根据青野的数据,京都过去几百年的盛花期都是在四月中旬,但是19世纪开始变成四月初。

    In Kyoto , the peak date hovered around mid-April for centuries , according to Aono 's data , but began moving into early April during the 1800s .

  5. 《京都议定书》减排机制与WTO贸易规则的冲突及协调

    Reduction Mechanism of Kyoto Protocol and Trade Rules of WTO : Conflict and Co-Ordination

  6. 根据1997年的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol),只有工业化国家才必须削减温室气体排放。

    Under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol , only industrialised nations must cut greenhouse gases .

  7. 这能为明年出台一份替代《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的强有力协议奠定基础。

    That can provide the basis for a strong treaty next year to succeed the Kyoto protocol .

  8. 后一冲突主要表现在京都议定书的生态标识、能效标准、灵活机制与WTO规则的冲突以及二者争端解决机制的冲突。

    The latter confliction mainly displays in the contradiction of WTO rules and ecological identification , energy efficiency standards , flexible mechanism of Kyoto protocol .

  9. 针对气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的后继协议,将以此份报告为基础。

    The report will form the basis for negotiations on a possible successor to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change .

  10. 即便意愿存在,实施限制也会成为问题,京都议定书(kyotoprotocol)就充分证明了这点。

    Even if the will were there enforcing the caps would be a problem , as the Kyoto Protocol amply attests .

  11. 整个旅程可以欣赏到东京及京都的名胜古迹,还会停靠沿濑户内海(inlandsea)一些不太知名的港口。

    The trip takes in the classic sights of Tokyo and Kyoto , as well as less familiar ports of call along the inland sea .

  12. 另取10只同龄雄性京都种Wistar大鼠为WKY组。

    In addition 10 twelve-week-old male Wistar Kyoto rats were used as negative controls .

  13. 依据《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)负有碳减排共同义务的15个欧盟国家,大体上仍然有望实现减排目标。

    The 15 EU countries with a collective Kyoto Protocol obligation to cut carbon emissions are still broadly on track to meet their obligations .

  14. 然而,只有在各国现在就做出严肃努力、以达成有约束力的后续协议来取代《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的情况下,这种推迟才是值得的。

    This postponement will only be worthwhile , however , if countries now put serious effort into agreeing a binding successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  15. 这种放弃结束了自1997年《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)开始的故事,其高潮出现在去年12月的哥本哈根气候变化峰会上。

    This surrender concludes a story that began with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and reached its climax last December at the Copenhagen climate change conference .

  16. 在萨科齐发表上述演讲的一周之后,来自191个国家的谈判代表将齐聚巴厘岛,就有关气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的后续协议进行谈判。

    He delivered his speech a week before negotiators from 191 countries meet in Bali for talks on a successor to the Kyoto treaty on climate change .

  17. 在两党的强力支持下,美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)以事倍功半为由,拒绝签署《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)。

    With strong bipartisan support , US President George W. Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol on the grounds that it would cost too much and deliver too little .

  18. CDM项目主管工作职责:-业务开发,识别新的《京都议定书》相关投资项目;

    CDM Project Supervisor Key Responsibilities : - Business development : identifying new Kyoto Protocol projects for investment in China ;

  19. 《京都议定书》(KyotoProtocol)的通过已有10年,但大多数工业化国家的排放还在上升,而且它们的人均排放水平保持在一个高得令人无法接受的水平。

    It has been 10 years since the Kyoto protocol was adopted . Yet most industrialised country emissions are still rising and their per capita emissions remain unacceptably high .

  20. 但作为一个发展中国家,《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)并未要求中国限制温室气体排放,因此,中国国内没有强制购买碳减排指标的需求。

    But as a developing country , China is not required to limit greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol , so there is no domestic demand for mandatory carbon credits .

  21. 京都议定书生效后全球CER成交状况分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Status of Global CER Transaction after Effectiveness of Kyoto Agreement

  22. 草案中还删除了提及就《京都议定书》(kyototreaty)替代协议开始谈判的语句,同时被删除的还有所有提及联合国(un)的语句。

    A reference to the need to begin negotiations on a successor to the Kyoto treaty is also deleted , as is all reference to the United Nations .

  23. 在那项研究中,日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)的研究人员喂食一组小鼠,使之易于患上啮齿动物的阿尔茨海默症和严重的记忆丧失。

    In it , researchers at Kyoto University in Japan gathered a group of mice bred to have a predisposition to developing a rodent version of Alzheimer 's disease and its profound memory loss .

  24. 我猜,假如我接受了京都(Kyoto)[气候变化议定书]一定会广受欢迎,我认为这个条约有缺陷。

    I guess I could have been popular by accepting Kyoto [ the climate change protocol ] , which I felt was a flawed treaty .

  25. 面对国际社会的压力,这两个国家的第一反应,就是把矛头指向美国及其富裕盟友(如澳大利亚),指责它们拒绝签署强制限定温室气体排放的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)。

    The initial reaction in both countries to international pressure has been to point to the refusal of the US and rich fellow-travellers such as Australia to sign the Kyoto Protocol for mandatory emissions caps .

  26. 它应充分利用签署《京都议定书》(kyoto)后获得的排放许可,为更环保的政策筹措资金。

    The emissions permits Russia already holds as a result of signing up to Kyoto could be put to good use , to fund more environmentally responsible policies .

  27. 来自日本京都产业大学(KyotoSangyoUniversity)的3名学生受到的处罚较轻,他们写了道歉信,被勒令停学两周,并接受了多次训导。

    The three students from Kyoto Sangyo University got off relatively lightly , writing letters of apology , receiving a two-week suspension and undergoing counselling sessions .

  28. 印度政府希望,在12月份的哥本哈根气候变化会谈即将来临之际,上述预测能够增加自己手中的筹码各国政府希望能够在这次大会上,制定出一个接替《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的新协议。

    The Indian government is hoping these projections will strengthen its hand in the run-up to climate change talks in Copenhagen in December , at which governments hope to forge a successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  29. 参加气候变化谈判的美国代表团团长在6月17日表示,在《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)后续协议中,美国应在温室气体减排方面起带头作用。

    The US would take a lead role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions in a successor to the Kyoto Protocol , the head of the US delegation to climate change talks said on the 17th June .

  30. 虽然美国不可能加入《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)1997年达成的国际气候变化协议,但美国同意把其中部分内容写入新协议。

    There was no chance of the US joining the Kyoto protocol the international climate change deal struck in 1997 but there were parts of the Kyoto process that the US would agree to as part of a deal .