
  • 网络Kyoto Seika University
  1. 在完成了所有课程后,京都精华大学希望他们的毕业生能成为研究人员、教授或漫画家。

    After completing coursework , the Kyoto Seika University expects graduates to become researchers , professors , and manga artists .

  2. 日本京都精华大学本周二宣布,该校将于明年4月起正式开设漫画博士课程,从而成为日本首个培养“漫画博士”的大学。

    Kyoto Seika University announced on Tuesday that it will offer Japan 's first doctorate program in manga studies to new students , beginning in April of next year .

  3. 在决赛上,文藻辩论队以3比0的成绩打败来自京都精华大学的辩论队。

    In the final competition , the Wenzao team defeated the team from Seikei University in Tokyo , with a 3-0 decision by the judges .

  4. 他们打败了来自其他国家地区的100多名辩手,这些国家包括日本,韩国,香港。这次辩论赛在京都精华大学举行,文藻学院辩手获得英语辩论赛冠军。

    They defeated more than 100 debaters from other countries and territories , including Japan , South Korea , and Hong Kong , to capture the championship in the EFL category of the competition , held at Kyoto Seika University .