
  • 网络HANAZONO UNIVERSITY;Garden University;University Garden
  1. 花园大学(HanazonoUniversity)则开设了教授禅宗和日本文化的课程:有很多西方学生在这里学习,门川大作说。

    Hanazono University offers courses in Zen and Japanese culture : There are lots of western students studying there , Mr. Kadokawa said .

  2. 其中一所院校就是京都的花园大学,这是一所中等规模的学校,提供各种各样的人文课程,学生人数在1000到2000人之间。

    One such place is Hanazono University in Kyoto City , a modest school offering various courses in the humanities and boasting a student body of between one and two thousand .

  3. 花园大学迎难而上,设置“百年学习奖学金”项目,旨在吸引迅速壮大的50岁以上人群,以填补年轻学生数量减少留下的缺口。

    Hanazono has taken the bull by the horns and established the " 100 Years of Learning Scholarship " program , aimed at wooing in the rapidly growing population of people over 50 to fill the gap left by the dwindling number of young students .

  4. 英国最古老的花园是在牛津大学里面的BotanicGarden,里面有超过8000种植物!

    We have some very old and incredible gardens open to the public in theUKfor people to visit . C : D : The oldest botanical garden inBritainis The Oxford University Botanic Garden this was established in 1621 and now contains over 8000 species of plants C :