
huā dào
  • ikebana;flower way
花道[huā dào]
  1. 冨田博子&传播日本花道的美丽使者

    Hiroko Tomita The Beautiful Messenger of Japanese Ikebana

  2. 日本花道起源初探

    The Origin of Japanese Ikebana

  3. 金银花道地品与非道地品的FTIR光谱研究

    Study of Flos Lonicerae in Local Herbs and Other Areas by FTIR Spectrum

  4. 为减轻压力日本男性重拾花道艺术。

    Flower art blooms among Japan 's stressed out men .

  5. 晨光问金凤花道:“你是不是自傲的过了头而不愿亲吻我?”

    Are you too proud to kiss me ?" the morning light asks the buttercup . "

  6. 有趣的是,三国的艺术家们,都不约而同地使用了剧场中的“花道”。

    Interestingly , all artists from three countries used the " Flower Path " in the theatre .

  7. 樱木花道是我最喜欢的卡通人物。他专一,可爱,率真,自信,他永远相信自己的天才。

    He 's very dedicated to his pursuits and loved ones and has unwavering faith in his genius .

  8. 一些男性花费数年时间掌握了这门艺术,现在他们则向新学员们传授花道的治疗功效。

    Some men have spent years mastering the art form and now teach new students the therapeutic effects of ikebana .

  9. 花道历史证明,这种行进仪礼与行进演出艺术对戏剧发生了重大影响。

    History has proved that this marching liturgy and marching performance have greatly influenced the emergence and development of drama .

  10. 现在人们可以有很多爱好,而且认为男性不应该从事花道的观念也不复存在。

    There are many hobbies people can do now and there 's no longer the preconception that men cannot arrange flowers .

  11. 何况,学学茶艺、花道、烹饪,泡泡书店、写点小文章什么的,正好也是我的兴趣所在。

    Moreover , study study tea , flower arrangement , cooking , bubble bookstores , Writing little article what exactly is my interest .

  12. 据说,根据花道传统原则插出的花束象征着天、人、地之间的关系。

    Flower compositions arranged according to the traditional principles of ikebana are said to represent the relationship between heaven , mankind and earth .

  13. 现年61岁的荒木惠子说,她在20多岁传授花道谋生时就开始投资股票了。

    Now aged 61 , she says she started investing in shares in her twenties when she was earning a living teaching flower arranging .

  14. 日本花道可追溯到500多年前,最初在男性工匠和贵族中流行。

    Ikebana , or " the way of flowers ," dates back more than 500 years and first blossomed among male artisans and aristocrats .

  15. 日本花道追求创造一种线条结构,韵律和颜色间的和谐美。

    The art of ikebana , or Japanese flower arrangement , seeks to create a harmony of linear construction , rhythm , and color .

  16. 花与花之间的空间,以至于整个花道表达了人世间的空间感,甚至整个宇宙。

    The air between the flowers and also the room , and everything , it shows the space or even the universe , and that .

  17. 它的设计原型是日本漫画《灌篮高手》的卡通人物樱木花道。

    The design of the android was based on cartoon character Sakuragi Hanamichi , the main character in the Japanese manga " Slam Dunk . "

  18. 正是花道的这种创造性和灵性吸引了日本成千上万的男性重拾这一近代以来以女性为主导的艺术形式。

    And it 's this creativity and spirituality that has attracted thousands of Japanese men to reclaim the art form that has more recently been associated with women .

  19. 历经十几个世纪,日本插花无论在理论上,还是实践上都取得了辉煌成就,并且成为具有日本民族特色的传统文化艺术之一&花道

    Japanese flower arrangement has gained great achievements not only in theories but also in practices , and therefore it is developed into one of traditional arts with Japanese national characteristic & IKEBANA

  20. 花道旨在加深人们对宇宙韵律的感受,创造人与自然的和谐,插花者以简约为道,采有机素材为原料,在默然之间形成花之道。

    Aimed at creating harmony between man and nature as well as heightening the appreciation of the rhythms of the universe , arrangements are conducted in silence using only organic elements put together in a minimalist style .