
  1. 后京都国际气候协定的谈判趋势与对策思考

    Roadmap to Post-Kyoto Climate Agreements and Policy Choices by China

  2. 当前,后京都国际气候谈判已经启动并面临严峻的挑战。

    The post-Kyoto climate negotiations initiated since the COP11 / MOP1 are facing a series of great challenges .

  3. “这显然标志着日本的屈服,”京都大学国际关系学教授藤原浩说。

    " It certainly appears that Japan gave in ," said Hiroshi Nakanishi , a professor of international relations at Kyoto University .

  4. 然而,由于温室气体排放空间是实现未来发展所必不可少的资源,因此各国之间为了争夺未来发展权益而进行了激烈的博弈,由此造成了当前后京都时期国际气候谈判的僵局。

    However , since certain greenhouse gas emission space is essential for every nation to achieve growth in the future , fierce competition arises among States . Hence , it leads to the deadlock of post-Kyoto era climate talks .

  5. 论《京都议定书》对国际政治和国际经济的潜在影响

    Potential Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on International Politics and Economy

  6. 《京都议定书》对国际经济的影响主要表现在:对各国总体的经济福利产生影响;

    Its impacts on international economy will be as follows : national economic welfare of different countries will be affected ;

  7. 碳排放权交易机制是在《气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》等国际法文件的基础上产生和发展的。

    The development of carbon emissions trading is on the basis of international laws like UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol .

  8. 《京都议定书》是国际社会在防止全球气候变暖的国际合作方面取得的一份具有里程碑意义的国际法文件。

    The Kyoto Protocol is another important legal achievement made by international community in the course of addressing climate change .

  9. 《京都议定书》是国际社会应对气候变化的重要法律文件,但美国出于自身利益诉求,拒绝履行议定书所规定的减排责任。

    Kyoto Protocol is the important legal document about climatic changes among international community . Because of own interesting , USA had been refusing to perform the duties of cutting emissions according to Kyoto Protocol .

  10. 《京都议定书》为国际碳融资提供了稳定的基础机制,但是资金供给仍是国际谈判的争论焦点。

    All these factors together make the international carbon finance market inefficient . " Kyoto Protocol " provided stable base mechanism for international carbon finance , but the supply of capital is still the focus of debate in international negotiations .

  11. 为什么国际气候谈判的进程会出现上述情况?为什么《京都议定书》在国际气候谈判中陷入困境?要解决这些问题,本文试图从多个方面来探讨国际气候变化合作困境产生的多种因素。

    Why does it happen in the process of international climate talks ? How does the Kyoto Protocol fall into such a dilemma ? This paper is an attempt to explore diverse factors from different perspectives that engender the dilemma in the international cooperation .

  12. 《京都议定书》及后京都时代的国际气候制度

    《 Kyoto Protocol 》 and the International Climate System of Post-Kyoto Times

  13. 《京都议定书》中给予发展中国家削减温室气体排放的豁免期截止于2012年,这使得“后京都时代”国际气候制度谈判的重点不可避免地要触及到发展中国家实质性义务的承担。

    The immunity period for the developing country in Kyoto Protocol will end in2012.The Post-Kyoto negotiations should pay a lot of attention to substantial obligations for developing countries .