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ɡǔ xī
  • in ancient times
古昔 [gǔ xī]
  • [of old;in times gone] 古时

  1. 书里蕴藏着全部过去时代的精魂,古昔发出的朗朗之声,而旧时的形体和物质恰如梦境一般,早已荡然无存。

    In books lies the soul of the whole Past Time ; the articulate audible voice of the Past , when the body and material substance of it has altogether vanished like a dream .

  2. 年,苏美尔的城市文明开始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,连同着伊利都和尼普一起开始。

    Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities , beginning with Eridu and Nippur .