- Ancient weathered crust;paleocrust of weathering

A Zonation Model for the Paleocrust of Weathering in Zunyi Bauxite Deposit of Guizhou
The dolomite facies tract formed during high systems tract , paleocrust of weathering and hiatus are important reservoir beds .
The result of FLAC Three-dimensional model of spillway slope indicated : the whole spillway slope is stable , but there are high value of shear strain increment at the area which is distributed the paleo-weathering crust and the faultage of spillway slope .
Geochemical characteristics of the ancient weathered crust in Sichuan Red Basin
The geochemical characteristics of the paleo-weathering crusts in the Altay Mountains
Discussions on the modern and ancient weathering crust deposits
Multiple Karst Cave Horizons in the Early Hercynian Weathering Crust in the Tarim Basin
Paleo weathering crust : an important reservoir ( body ) type of carbonate rocks
Ancient weathering crust in Sichuan Red Basin
Paleo weathered crust is not the unique factor to control the development of reservoirs .
The general rules of fossil weathered residuum in mining area and mechanism of cutting waterproof coal pillar
Problems of Happening and Developing of the Central Guizhou Upwarping and Forming of Ancient Weathering - crust Bauxite Deposit
The latter is of plateau type , and the major reservoir is an interlayer paleokarst about 380 m thick .
China 's Sedimentary Bauxite Deposits in Ancient Weathering Crusts : A Discussion on Its Supergene Zone Features and Reworking Mechanism
Under weathering carbonates , such as siderite are usually turned into limonite which finally occur as hematite in the Weathering crusts .
An investigation of the Ordovician weathering crust and its relation to the high-production factors in the center and east part of Ordos Region
While the structure and material characteristics of ancient weathered crust , to some content , control the location of shear outlet of landslides .
In addition , the fabric of carbonate rocks , pelitic content , property of pore-water and structural fracture also affected the scale of corrosion .
The reservoir type is Ordovician weathering crust in the Lower Paleozoic , and the main gas layer is in the fifth member of Majiagou Formation .
It is proved that the paleoweathering crust is an important reservoir ( body ) type of carbonate rock by means of exploration and development of many oil-and gas-bearing regions .
Distinguishing and Analysis for Ancient Crust of Weathering between Ordovician and Upper Jurassic Nearby Kazuo , over the limestone of middle Ordovician , there 's an ancient crust of weathering
The giant central gas field in E ′ erduosi Basin is a stratigraphic gas reservoirs developed in the ancient weathered crust of carbonate rocks on the top of the Ordovician .
Structural interpretation of weathering crust karst reservoir inversion forecast , That construct and downs , ancient weathering crust karst and dolomite body to control the western margin of the carbonate reservoir traps .
In north of China , Latosol-like soils which were exposed to the earth 's surface were developed from red Paleosol and red paleo-weathered crust . Most of them were experienced discontinuous soil-forming process .
It is considered that the paleo-weathering crust in the mountainous regions in Central Asia is possibly an important source of aeolian deposits , especially is one of the important sources of Cenozoic red clay .
Carbonate slump breccias were formed in clastic-skirt , which located under proximal sea - bottom near to fault steep cliff , and terrigenous turbidite were originated from paleo - weathered crust by turbidity current .
The characteristics show them belonging to sediments of slope surface debris in a moisture or half-heat climate in the late stage of Mid-Pleistocene , which originated from the old weathered crust of the north slope of Qinling Range .
This paper discusses the hydrocarbon conduit systems such as fault and structural fissure , unconformity and paleo-weathering crust , Ordovician vug and fracture as well as interconnected sand body in light of Tahe oilfield and its regional geological situations .