
gǔ lǎo
  • ancient;age-old;antiquity;hoariness;old age;simple and vigorous
古老 [gǔ lǎo]
  • (1) [ancient]∶古雅而不同时俗

  • 古老的传说

  • (2) [age-old]∶年老;苍老

  • 古老之人无所闻知

  • (3) [simple and vigorous]∶形容书画文章等苍劲朴实,有古人风格

  • 公有文章若干卷,深茂古老

古老[gǔ lǎo]
  1. 新道路开发可能对这些古老的林地造成破坏。

    These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments .

  2. 她想把自己的看法加入这个古老的故事里。

    She has tried to superimpose her own attitudes onto this ancient story .

  3. 仔细考察这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。

    Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple .

  4. 古老的运河网将这座城市分割开来。

    The city is dissected by a network of old canals .

  5. 有些历史遗迹相当古老。

    A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity .

  6. 这宫殿是城里最古老的建筑。

    The palace is the oldest building in the city .

  7. 他们在这个房间里成功地把古老和现代的风格融为一体。

    They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room .

  8. 这座小镇因其古老的港口而出名。

    The town is notable for its ancient harbour .

  9. 她出生于一个古老的苏格兰家族。

    She comes from an old Scots family .

  10. 欧洲早期的基督教徒承袭了更古老的一些异教的许多习俗。

    Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older , pagan religions .

  11. 科普特教会是最古老的基督教会之一。

    The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity .

  12. 那正是一个那种古老的英式花园,非常迷人。

    It was just one of those lovely old English gardens .

  13. 更为古老的传说称墨林使用巫术堆起了那些巨石。

    Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic .

  14. 紧靠我们右面,古老的德国避暑胜地正在苏醒。

    Immediately to our right the old German summer resort was awakening .

  15. 让我用一个古老的故事来说明我的意思吧。

    Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story

  16. 古老的荷兰城堡城墙又厚又高,看起来几乎固若金汤。

    The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable

  17. 皇家剧院是英国最古老的剧场之一。

    The Theatre Royal is one of the oldest playhouses in Britain .

  18. 这些古老的仪式让水中的神灵平息了怒气。

    These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters .

  19. 这是最古老、最神圣的神道教仪式。

    This is the most ancient , and holiest of the Shinto rituals

  20. 鼓是最古老的乐器之一。

    The drum is one of the oldest musical instruments .

  21. 市中心是一座接一座古老的广场。

    The core of the city is a series of ancient squares .

  22. 这则古老的寓言流传了数个世纪。

    The old fable continues to echo down the centuries .

  23. 夜里,这个古老城市的大部分地区灯火通明。

    Much of the ancient city is illuminated at night .

  24. 音乐从海滨区一栋古老的大楼里响起。

    Music struck up in one of the big old buildings along the seafront

  25. 古老的智慧已经经受了时间的考验。

    Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time .

  26. 这座古老的港口依然充满了情趣,颇值得一游。

    The old harbour is still full of atmosphere and well worth visiting .

  27. 泰勒山作为一座人造山掩藏着杰里科过去古老的历史。

    The Tel , an artificial mountain , entombs Jericho 's ancient past .

  28. 他因为给古老的宗教经书谱曲配乐而备受关注。

    He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music .

  29. 古老的小镇广场上挤满了人。

    The old town square was crowded with people .

  30. 游行盛典将会是古老与现代的奇特融合。

    The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern