- 网络paleo-tethys;PaleoTethys

Otherwise with Paleotethys closing in late Triassic period , the pull-apart continental margin reversed in Indo-China movement creating Indo-Chinafolded orogeny .
The evolutionary tendance reflected by the above sedimentary record probably signifies an important tectonic turn in the history of the residual Paleotethys ocean .
An important Problem was how continent crust subduct and exhumate . ( 2 ) P_2 , the stage in which Meso-Tethys ( Paleo-South China Sea ) began to open and the Paleo-Tethys to subduct ;
In the Paleo Tethyan ocean period , Au and Sb were strongly enriched in the Jinsha River mid ocean ridge setting , and Cu was evidently enriched in the Jinsha River oceanic island setting .
In the Paleo Tethyan arc period , Cu was enriched in the oceanic island arc , and Pb and Zn were enriched in the post collisional arc (" delay " arc ) . The collisional arc and Lancang River continental marginal arc were not rich in the mineralizing elements .
So the Mesozoic Qiangtang basin has great implications for the Mid-Tethyan ocean .
What is the relationship between the Paleo_ Tethys and the Central Orogenic System ?
Both subducted continental and ancient Tethyan oceanic crust contributed to enriched mantle source region .
Mantle Plume Tectonics and Tethyan Evolution : A Preliminary Interpretation in Sichuan and Western Yunnan Provinces
Porphyry copper deposits were developed mostly in circum-Pacific belt , Paleo-Tethys belt and Central Asia-Mongolian belt .
This discovery has great significance for the understanding the process of the ocean-land transformation of the Paleo-Tethys .
The Indosinian foreland fold and thrust belt bordering Yunnan and Guangxi supported further evidence to the Paleotethysides .
The studies on the volcanic rocks from these two areas provide new evidences for understanding the Paleo-tethyan evolution .
It proves that the Jinshajiang suture zone could not have formed the main suture zone in the Paleo-Tethys domain .
Its formation may be related to the close of the ancient Tethys , and shows the shear convergence characteristics from west to east .
All these features suggest the nature of a Late Permian-Middle Triassic remnant basin for the Paleo-Tethys and the position of the main ocean domain .
The plate movements in different geological history phrases are the dynamics of basin evolution and development in the middle and western parts of China .
The knowledge provides new testimonies for the area bordering China and Vietnam being , tectonically , Paleotethysides and key data for reconstructing Paleotethyan evolution there .
Subduction of the Palaeo-Tethys may have begun in the Carboniferous , with evidence for this being abundant volcanics in Carboniferous sediments in eastern Peninsular Malaysia .
The first stage corresponds to the uplift of the northern block of the East Kunlun related to the Paleo-Tethys subduction and continued extrusion in this area .
Recent discoveries on ophiolites indicate that there must have been a Paleotethyan geosuture zone bordering China and Vietnam , which separated the Vietbac Block from the Huanan Subcontinent .
The initial location of sutures greatly changed by events of Indo-Chinese epoch , Yanshanian epoch , and Himalayan epoch can be concluded from our research of the typical ophiolite outcrop area .
The Jurassic sedimentary basin in the area developed and evolved on the basis of the closing of the Late Triassic Paleo-Tethys Ocean and with the opening and closing of the Neo-Tethys Ocean .
This paper examines the metamorphic characteristics of the Paleozoic metabasites in the Tunchang area , East-central Hainan Island , China with respect to the tectonic processes in connection with the evolution of Paleo-Tethys .
Four assemblages of radiolaria found in the formation data the sequence from late Late Permian to early Middle Triassic , which greatly changes the generally estimated progress schedule for the Paleotethys ' evolution .
If the hypothesis that the Yangtze plate was separated from the Tarim plate and migrated eastward in the Permian can hold , it can serve as evidence for the first opening of Paleo-Tethys in China .
After analyzing the paleogeographic reconstruction and the paleo Tethys Ocean flow surrounding the Tarim plate , a point was made that the alteration of conodont faunas of the Ordovician on the Tarim plate was jointly caused by the plate tectonics and ocean currents .