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gǔ pǔ
  • of primitive simplicity;simple and unsophisticated;be simple and unsophisticated
古朴 [gǔ piáo]
  • [of primitive simplicity;be simple and unsophisticated] 古老而质朴

  • 全桥结构匀称,和四周景色配合得十分和谐;就连桥上的石栏石板也雕刻得古朴美观。--《中国石拱桥》

  • 古朴典雅的东方艺术

古朴[gǔ pǔ]
  1. 故事发生在有独特的中国徽派建筑风格和古朴民风的小镇。

    It happens in a small town with unique Anhui building style and simple and unsophisticated folkway .

  2. 恢宏的气势,古朴的风格,这就是大块岩石的风格。

    Broad imposing manner , simple and unsophisticated style , this is a style of big rocks .

  3. 她设计的古朴式样服装不会过时。

    She designs classic clothes which do not date .

  4. 年纪大一点的女性穿古朴典雅的服装最好看。

    Older women look best in classically elegant styles .

  5. “陈-扎克伯格行动”(ChanZuckerbergInitiative)——他们为这一联合经营公司起了个古朴的名字——则更进了一步,该公司在进行捐赠的同时也会追求利润。

    The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative - the quaint title for their joint venture , which will seek profits as well as making donations - goes a step further .

  6. 源远流长,古朴简易的网格地图方法,仍可作为空间分析、空间数据挖掘(SDM)的工具之一。

    Grid mapping is to be thought as an effective tool for spatial analysis and spatial data mining in this paper .

  7. LSE古朴典雅的萧伯纳图书馆经过CIBL和LSE的精心布置,显得充满书卷气而又特别温馨。

    The Shaw Library of LSE demonstrated its academic and warm atmosphere thanks to the elaborate arrangement by CIBL and LSE .

  8. 毕竟,如果在俯瞰羊群草地的古朴农舍发发电子邮件就可与外界交流,又何必要住在哈克尼(hackney)的公寓里呢?

    After all , why live in a flat in Hackney when you could send emails from an old farmhouse overlooking a sheep meadow ?

  9. 其图案的风格严肃古朴并具有一定规律性,是图案语言最早期的体现。

    The style of the serious quaint patterns had certain regularity .

  10. 你看它的装饰非常古朴、精致。

    You see that its decoration is very old and delicate .

  11. 古朴清雅赋蓝白巧染棉布寄乡情&南通蓝印花布的历史与特色

    On the History and Characteristics of the Blue-Printing Cloth in Nantong

  12. 贾平凹小说不讲究结构的精巧,而以散漫、拙厚、古朴显得大气。

    Jia 's novel do not strive for exquisite of structure .

  13. 那里更加原始古朴,有美丽的湖泊,裸露的山峰。

    Where it was scrub , wonderful lakes , bare mountains .

  14. 从汉字古朴的风姿看其民族文化蕴涵

    Research on the Implication of National Culture of Chinese Character

  15. 古朴性是其军事思想的重要特点。

    The simplicity is the most important salience of its military thoughts .

  16. 我们将一心追求古朴可贵的道德价值观;

    With the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values ;

  17. 古朴的吊角楼斜倚在绿色的山坡上。

    The ancient Diaojiao Lou is reclining on green slopes .

  18. 展览大厅装点古朴。

    The exhibition hall was decorated in an antique mode .

  19. 它们的成功源于它们结合了古朴与新潮、粗糙与光滑,

    succeed because they combine old and new , rough and smooth ,

  20. 那是否表示人们对淡雅古朴的设计已经厌倦了呢?

    Is that an indication that people have had enough of simple design ?

  21. 整个宝鼎古朴凝重,气势宏大,非常雄伟。

    Baoding entire ancient dignified , magnify very ambitious .

  22. 侗医“风证”命名古朴,包含的疾病广泛,并且具有其民族的独特性。

    This syndrome is very primitive with very extensive inclusion and ethnic uniqueness .

  23. 整个餐厅装饰古朴典雅,独具东方文化特色。

    The decoration of eastern culture characteristics is impressing .

  24. 主要以线描为主,绘画技巧简略而古朴。

    Mainly to the main line drawing , painting and ancient techniques briefly .

  25. 汉绣古朴庄重唐绣华丽富贵&记苏绣艺术博物馆复制的汉唐刺绣

    An Account on Han and Tang Embroideries Duplicated by Suzhou Embroidery Art Museum

  26. 多元精巧的现代道德哲学必须回归传统德育的古朴和简单。

    The modern multi-ingenious educational philosophy should return to its simplicity and briefness .

  27. 大理白族扎染,一种古朴的民间手工艺。

    Dali bai tie-dye , a simple folk crafts .

  28. 那位老年绅士穿着一套古朴的传统服装。

    The old gentleman had on a classic suit .

  29. 结构工程师简便语言外观古朴,结构简练。

    Structural engineer easy language Its outer appearance looks simple and its structure concise .

  30. 在村中草地上的古朴的小房子。

    Quaint little cottages on the village green .