
  • 网络Antique furniture
  1. 他从事古董家具买卖已有25年。

    He has been trading in antique furniture for 25 years .

  2. 他们可能会出于喜好而购买古董家具,甚至是老房子。

    They may buy antique furniture or even old buildings for their appeal .

  3. 这是一片散乱的山间房舍,有35个房间,有点像达利外加亚当斯之家(AddamsFamily),一开始,繁杂的视觉效果就令我为之震撼,感觉自己在无数油画、古董家具与香料的万花筒里跌跌撞撞。

    The visual pandemonium of this rambling 35-room chalet - Dali meets Addams Family - overwhelmed me at first , like tumbling through a kaleidoscope of oil paintings , vintage furniture and spicy fragrances .

  4. 那座富丽堂皇的宅第里价值连城的古董家具在大火中付之一炬了。

    Priceless antique furniture was destroyed in the fire at the stately home .

  5. 我们得改善一下形象,况且它们也不是古董家具。

    We need to promote our image besides it 's not a real antique .

  6. 年纪较大的建筑物-甚至是历史性的-或古董家具可能带来便宜你现在的兴奋。

    Older buildings-even historic ones-or antique furniture could bring a bargain that excites you now .

  7. 我的继母收藏古董家具。

    My stepmother restores antique furniture .

  8. 这张桌子很不错,但是和我们所有那些古董家具摆在一起会显得不伦不类。

    It 's a lovely table but it would look out of place with all our Antique furniture .

  9. 我们使用的家具都是真正的古董家具,有些是18世纪的,有些是19世纪的。

    All our furniture is original , dated some of them 18th century , some are the 19th century .

  10. 家具的拍卖有很悠久的历史,古董家具历来是拍卖的个独立版块。

    Furniture of the auction has a long history and antique furniture has always been one of the independent auction edition piece .

  11. 除了花园,还有一个大堂休息室,那里有石灰岩燃气壁炉、超大枝形吊灯、摩洛哥小地毯和古董家具。

    Besides the garden , there 's a lobby lounge with a limestone gas fireplace , oversize chandeliers , Moroccan rugs and vintage furniture .

  12. 日前,意大利范思哲集团第二代掌门人多纳泰拉·范思哲计划拿出自己的个人收藏进行拍卖,包括有古董家具、油画、雕刻品和珠宝,总价值约有500万英镑。

    Donatella Versace is to sell her collection of antique furniture , paintings , sculptures and jewellery that is estimated to be worth ? 5 million .

  13. A我只知道古董家具这几年很受欢迎,却不知道其中有这么多知识。

    Wow , you really have a thorough understanding . Actually , the most amazing thing about antique furniture is the craftsmanship with which it was made .

  14. 男同性恋是个新兴的族群,目前大量出现在曼哈顿的时尚圈、外国餐厅、音乐会和古董家具界中。

    The gay straight man was a new strain of heterosexual male ...... spawned in Manhattan as the result of overexposure to fashion ..... exotic cuisine , musi-cal theater and antique furniture .

  15. 当我们选购的中国古董家具,首先要看看是否顺利和直接或古董家具中国面对的不是,这种通知是非常关键的。

    When we select and purchase the antique furniture chinese , first we should see whether smooth and straight or not on the face of antique furniture chinese , this notice is very key .

  16. 如果家里没有很好质地的老家具可供运用,不妨去看看古董家具店,或旧货流转商店里,说不定就逃到了另一户人家的传家宝。

    If there was no good texture of the old furniture can use , might as well go see antique furniture store , or junk flow shop , maybe he fled to another family of family heirloom .

  17. 企业准备聘请顾问来教授高管们如何才能表现得“真实”,这一事实表明,这个词同现代修补及镶饰一样流于表面修补及镶饰导致古董家具的价值下降,尽管它看上去更纯正。

    The fact companies are prepared to pay consultants to teach authenticity to their executives shows it is as superficial as the modern repairwork and veneer that makes an antique piece of furniture less valuable even as it starts to look more genuine .

  18. 伊莎贝拉在她的信中写到,她要将艺术品和那些被称之为古董的古老的家具装满她的房间,以便让人们能够好好地欣赏这些艺术品。

    Isabella said in the letter that she would fill the house with art and beautiful old furniture called antiques so that other people could enjoy them .

  19. 这个表店现在的名字是贝尔纳迪尼豪华古董店(BernardiniLuxuryVintage),简称BLV,其装帧如同一家时髦的绅士俱乐部,摆满了古董家具和精致的大皮箱。

    The store , now known as Bernardini Luxury Vintage , or BLV , is kitted out like a stylish gentleman 's club , filled with antique furniture and elegant steamer trunks .