
ɡǔ yì
  • Antiquity;ancient style and taste
古意 [gǔ yì]
  • (1) [interest and charm of antique taste]∶古代的风格趣味;古人的思想、意趣或风范

  • 摘星山庄每天摩托车来来去去,损及古意

  • (2) [reflect on ancient events]∶追念古代的人、物、事迹的情意

  • 长安古意

  1. 在这日新月异的时装王国里,有可爱的动物面罩、古意盎然的阿纳·雅克布森(ArneJacobsen)椅子和来自独立音乐店萌宠之声(PetSounds)的唱片。

    Among the ever-changing wares might be cute animal masks , antique Arne Jacobsen chairs or records from the independent Pet Sounds music shop .

  2. 今意谣言和古意谣言是两个含义完全不同的概念。

    The meaning of rumors of modern and ancient is completely different .

  3. 却有更多古意盎然的农村散布在低洼的山丘和常绿的田野间。

    And even more quaint villages scattered among its low-lying hills and forever green fields .

  4. 列举了古意论的多种表现,分析了追求古意的主观和客观原因;

    It enumerate the several expressions of it and analyze the reasons for pursuring the ancient style , including the subjective ones and the objective ones .

  5. 爱尔兰也是个绿色天堂,人口远不及人烟稠密的英格兰,却有更多古意盎然的农村散布在低洼的山丘和常绿的田野间。

    Ireland , too , is a paradise of greenery , with far fewer people than populous England and even more quaint villages scattered among its low-lying hills and forever green fields .

  6. 在作品的结构特别是花鸟、动物形象的动势上融汇了明人之境,这使得他的作品既有一股幽远的古意,又有生动、活跃的气息。

    He mixed Ming Dynasty style to his artworks composition , especially the moving posture of the birds and flowers , and it makes his artworks have both the ancient realm and vivid flavour .

  7. 当时的艺术青年个个长发飘逸,标榜新潮却又颇有文人扮武行的古意,他们不约而同地喜爱在露天的空间自由的表现自己。

    At that time everyone in the art of young people with long hair , advertise trendy but still have some " old ", they all like the freedom of open space to express themselves .

  8. 三是从平面设计的角度剖析在汉字形态发展的三个阶段视觉传达设计的特点,分别就古意、笔势和构成三个层面展开。

    Thirdly , the features of Visual Communication Design at the three stages of Chinese Character Forms development are analysis from the view of the graphic design , which is respectively extended from three sections : Archaic Artistic Conception , Writing Style , and Construction design .

  9. 据该帖子的作者称,苏州话有种古意和书卷气,苏州女孩子说苏州话时更为温软动听。这也不足为奇,因为苏州历来都是文化中心,也是盛产美女的地方。

    According to the post 's author , the Suzhou dialect has an air of ' bookishness ' and sounds especially mellifluous when spoken by Suzhou women -- and no wonder , as the city is known throughout history for being a center of culture , while its women are celebrated as among the most beautiful in China .