
  • 网络Cherry Blossom;cherrim
  1. 蜜蜂嗡嗡忙碌在樱桃花间。

    Busy bees around the cherry blossoms troll out .

  2. 当我们开车穿越小山的时候,到处看到樱桃花与野花环绕着的村庄。

    On our drive through the hills , we saw villages wreathed in cherry blossom and wild flowers everywhere .

  3. 樱桃花盛开的时间可能会推后。

    Peak blooming , when the trees are in full flower , may be delayed a little .

  4. 虽然樱桃花没有核,但每一粒樱桃都有一颗圆圆硬硬的核。

    Although there was never a stone in the flower , each cherry had a round hard heart .

  5. 地方是老地方,人也见老了,但春天总是年轻的,尤其是樱桃花盛开时。

    This place is old , people in this photo are old , but spring is forever young , in particular in this cherry blooming season .

  6. 不同晶粒度硬质合金的磨削性能研究虽然樱桃花没有核,但每一粒樱桃都有一颗圆圆硬硬的核。

    Grinding performances on cemented carbides containing different sizes of grain Although there was never a stone in the flower , each cherry had a round hard heart .

  7. 我在红叶甜菜地里锄一会儿草,那里的土比较松软,我听了一会儿周围的鸟鸣,为春天的到来将它们的要求围在此地。现在樱桃花到处都开放了。

    I weeded for a while amongst the chard where the ground was softer and listened to the song birds singing all around , staking their claims on the plots for the arrival of spring .

  8. 现在都已是四月的最后一个星期,白色的樱桃花依然绽放,可已经渐渐虚弱,即将逝去。今年的时节晚了,树叶团团紧簇,鲜红的光亮中挥洒着轻柔的铜色。

    Now , in the last week of April , the cherry blossom is still white , but waning and passing away : it is late this year , and the leaves are clustering thick and softly copper in their dark blood-filled glow .