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yì rì
  • the next day
翌日 [yì rì]
  • [the next day] 次日;明日

  • 翌日以资政殿学士行。-- 宋. 文天祥《指南录.后序》

  • 翌日先交银。--《广东军务记》

翌日[yì rì]
  1. 连绵阴雨致使翌日各项赛事被迫中止。

    Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day 's competitions .

  2. 翌日,爱莉去见她的治疗师。

    Ally goes to see her therapist the next day .

  3. 就连方济各教皇(PopeFrancis)也质疑,分离运动是否足够强大(《教皇说“不”》,翌日的《每日邮报》以此为标题)。

    Even Pope Francis has questioned whether the case for secession was strong enough ( " Pope Says Nope , " The Daily Mirror 's headline read the next day ) .

  4. 翌日,中国人民银行(PBoC)表示,要坚定不移地继续执行适度宽松的货币政策。股市随之收复全部失地。

    Next day , the People 's Bank of China said it would unswervingly continue to apply appropriately loose monetary policy and stocks regained all their losses .

  5. 而国会与省议会将于翌日解散。

    National and provincial assemblies would be dissolved the next day .

  6. 它向西移动,翌日清晨横过越南中部后消散。

    It dissipated soon after crossing central Vietnam early next morning .

  7. 直到翌日早上两点才回家呀。

    And do not go home until two in the morning .

  8. 翌日早上,我在自己的床上醒来。

    I woke up in my own bed the following morning .

  9. 罗伯特·费舍尔“费舍尔翌日能源集团”的继承人。

    Robert Fischer , heir to the Fischer Morrow energy conglomerate .

  10. 翌日清晨七点半,亚帕来接我。

    Mr. Yapa picked me up the next morning at 7:30 .

  11. 翌日,海棠进一步移入内陆并且消散。

    Haitang moved further inland and dissipated the next day .

  12. 你说白在刺杀案翌日给你电话。

    You said clay Bertrand called you the day after the assassination .

  13. 翌日,长靴猫的主人就和公主结婚了。

    The next day , the cat 's master married the princess .

  14. 战争翌日,晨曦往往照着赤身露体的尸首。

    The dawn which follows a battle always rises on naked corpses .

  15. 当晨风和阳光抚慰时,翌日重新来临;

    Started by daylight , Next morning light and airy .

  16. 它分裂了弗舍尔翌日的子产业。

    It splits up the component businesses of Fischer Morrow .

  17. 所有特别地区及特别服务,须于翌日才能办理。

    Special zone & special service orders will be delivered next day .

  18. 翌日早晨,那人起得很早。

    The next morning , the man got up early .

  19. 翌日,他们来到祖母跟前。接着,正题故事由此展开。

    The next day they meet the grandmother and the true story begins .

  20. 自名合格人士去世的日期翌日始的期;

    The date next following the date of death of the qualified persons ;

  21. 翌日,我在联邦调查局总部收到一瓶香槟。

    Next day , bottle of champagne arrives at FBL headquarters for me .

  22. 他延至翌日才出发。

    He delayed his departure till the next day .

  23. 翌日拂晓,琼恩起身目送他叔叔离去。

    Jon rose at dawn the next day to watch his uncle leave .

  24. 期限延展至第二次后的翌日,在翌日。

    The period extends to and expires on the day after that second sitting .

  25. 试音结果会在翌日以电邮通知。

    You will be notified of the result by email in the following day .

  26. 翌日,两兄弟还骑骆驼穿越沙漠。

    The next day , the brothers take a camel ride through the desert .

  27. 舞会继续进行到翌日清晨才散。

    The party went on into small hours .

  28. 翌日清晨离开酒店之时,恍惚之感依旧萦绕在我的心头。

    I left the hotel the next morning in a lingering state of stupefaction .

  29. 翌日,老农夫又去找智者,老农给他的马放了点血。

    The next day the old farmer went to the wise man 's house again .

  30. 翌日日出时,燕子准备要上路了。

    When the sun rose the next day , the swallow was ready to go .