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  1. 工程建设不属这个部门管辖。

    Construction is not within the compass of the department .

  2. 统计调查对象超出本部门管辖系统的,报国家统计局审批。

    Major national statistical investigation items shall be reported to the State Council for examination and approval .

  3. 本表机构数均指由文化(文物)主管部门管辖的文化(文物)事业机构。

    Institutions in this table refer to those under the administration of cultural ( cultural relics ) departments .

  4. 治安部门管辖刑事案件,确立了治安部门打击与防范犯罪有机结合的新的工作机制。

    Public order department handling criminal cases establish a new working mechanism that public order department hits and prevents crimes .

  5. 由共同上级人民政府卫生行政部门管辖或者指定管辖。

    Has jurisdiction over or assigns the jurisdiction by the common higher authority people 's government administration of public health department .

  6. 对其中的刑事司法事项不应再由行政机关采用行政的方法进行管理,应交给专门的警察部门管辖;

    And the criminal justice in it should not carried out by the administration organ with administrative methods and should be handled to the special police organ .

  7. 汉朝在监狱体系的设置上分为两级,中央设立中央监狱,由各职能部门管辖。

    Han Dynasty is divided into two set of the prison system , central to the establishment of a central prison , the jurisdiction of the various functional departments .

  8. 计量检定工作应当符合经济合理、就地就近的原则,不受行政区划和部门管辖的限制。

    The work of measurement examination and determination shall be conducted on the principle of economy , rationality and geographical proximity , and it should not be restricted by administrative divisions and departmental jurisdiction .

  9. 侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权的行为由侵权行为实施地的著作权行政管理部门管辖。

    A tortious act infringing upon the right of communication through information network in Internet information services shall be under the jurisdiction of the copyright administration department at the place where the tortious act was conducted .

  10. 财政不在这个部门的管辖范围之内。

    Finance is not within the compass of this department .

  11. 地方著作权行政管理部门因管辖权发生争议或者管辖不明时,由争议双方协商解决;

    When any jurisdictional dispute arises between local copyright administrative departments or the jurisdiction is unspecified , the disputed parties shall negotiate for solution ;

  12. 教育主管部门及其管辖学校对资优教育重升学率,追求政绩,有关政策左右摇摆不定。

    The emphasis on the Promotion Rate of the high schools as well as the government department in charge of education and the pursuit of personal political promotion lead the GATE policy to blow hot and cold .

  13. 管理专利工作的部门对管辖权发生争议的,由其共同的上级人民政府管理专利工作的部门指定管辖;

    Where administrative authorities for patent affairs have a dispute over their jurisdiction , the administrative authority for patent affairs of their common higher level people 's government shall designate the administrative authority for patent affairs to exercise the jurisdiction ;

  14. 由于数个不同地方政府与航运部门相互争夺管辖权限,这种监管方面的延误导致交通受到影响,而在某些流域,当地的国有运输企业几乎形成垄断。

    Traffic can suffer from regulatory delays , with several different local governments and shipping departments competing for jurisdiction , while on certain stretches local state-owned companies exert a near-monopoly .

  15. 有效的银行监管体系取决于一些外部因素,虽然这些外部因素不在银行监管部门直接的管辖范围内,但实践中对银行监管的有效性有直接的影响。

    Effective supervisory system in the bank sector depends on some external factors beyond administration of bank supervisors , but has a direct effect on effectiveness of bank regulation and supervision .

  16. 疾病的监管和报告在州和本地卫生部门及其他的管辖区应该更快和更严密。

    Monitoring and reporting of diseases should be faster and seamless across state and local health departments and other jurisdiction boundaries .

  17. 论述了在不同工业部门和不同的管辖范围的财政风险,短期风险和相称风险的结果。

    Issues of financial liability , temporal liability and of proportional liability are being addressed in different sectors of industry and in the various jurisdictions .

  18. 系统具有授权管理的功能,并能限制各部门只能录入自己管辖范围内的阴极保护电位数据。

    The authorization management function is provided in this system , each department can only input the CP protection potential data operated by its own .