
  1. 二零零一年九月,共有443400名学童在714所官立和资助小学就读。

    In September 2001 , 443400 children were enrolled in 714 government and aided primary schools .

  2. 正在附远的山坡下,一所官宅变成了孩儿们的临时校取。

    On a nearby hillside , a civilian house has become a temporary classroom for the children .

  3. 中学班主任的样本取自澳门17所官、私立,中、英文中学,样本人数为280人,回收后有效问卷为167份,占总样本数的92.8%。

    The total samples are 280 teachers of 17 schools . The number of valid returned questionnaires is 167 , which is 92.8 % of the total samples . The questionnaire is the tool of this research , which is only for the class advisors of Macau high school .

  4. 任何人按本例所定向官提交任何申表或提供任何料、述、或其他文件,而明知其在任何方面假或不充分的,即犯罪。

    Any person who makes any return or furnishes any information , statement , record , or other document required by this Ordinance to be made or furnished to the Registrar knowing the same to be in any respect false or insufficient shall be guilty of an offence .

  5. 伦敦证交所首席执行官克拉拉•弗斯(ClaraFurse)在新闻发布会上表示:纳斯达克无权否决或阻止此次操作。

    Clara Furse , the LSE chief executive , told a press briefing : Nasdaq does not have the right to veto or block the operation .

  6. 但新交所首席执行官薄满乐(MagnusB&246;cker)非但没有感到惊慌,反而相信香港和上海之间具有里程碑意义的股市链接,从长期看实际上有利于新交所的业务。

    But far from being unnerved , Magnus B & # 246 ; cker , SGX chief executive , believes the landmark link will actually help his business in the long run .

  7. 正如今年早些时候蒙交所首席执行官阿尔泰•杭爱(AltaiKhangai)在一次采访中所说,蒙交所所面临的一个挑战就是上市公司本身的质量问题。

    As acting CEO Altai Khangai put it in an interview earlier this year , one challenge for the exchange is the quality of the companies that are traded there .

  8. 2005年5月,维尔纳•塞弗特(WernerSeifert)辞去了德意志证交所首席执行官一职,因为当时一些投资者强烈批评称,他准备以过高价格收购伦敦证交所,而没有关注于为股东带来回报。

    Werner Seifert resigned as chief executive of the Frankfurt-based exchange in May 2005 amid fierce criticism from some investors that he had been prepared to overpay to acquire the LSE , instead of focusing on delivering shareholder returns .

  9. 大阪证交所首席执行官米田道生(MichioYoneda)表示,推出这些衍生品交易,会巩固大阪证交所在衍生品市场的地位;在这个股市整合的时代,此举也有助于它与东京证交所竞争。

    Michio Yoneda , the OSE 's chief executive , said the offerings would strengthen the bourse 's identity in niche derivatives and help it compete against the TSE in an era of stock market consolidation .

  10. 塞恩随后任命他为纽约证交所首席财务官。

    Mr Thain subsequently named him chief financial officer of the NYSE .

  11. 去年12月的瑞穗证券事件之后,包括东京证交所首席执行官在内的数位高管不得不辞职。

    After the Mizuho Securities incident in December , several senior executives , including the chief executive , had to resign .

  12. 此外,他们在社会地位、政治、经济待遇等许多方面都低于中央所任之官。

    In addition , many aspects of their social status , political and economic treatment are lower than the officials who were granted by the central government .

  13. 科研院所的新闻官应该更多地花费精力,在新闻稿中解释这项研究如何与公众有关,并选择更多与公众趣味更相关的题材。

    Press officers from all institutions should take more care in explaining why the news is relevant in their press releases , and should try to flag up more subjects in tune with the public interest .

  14. 在当前我国压力型体制下,乡村关系的冲突和矛盾的表现形式主要是:一是当前财政体制所形成的官民之间直接的利益冲突;

    Under current our country pressure system , the village relations conflict and the contradiction mainly are : first is the direct conflict of interest between the officials and people which is occurred by the current financial systems ;

  15. Siri是这些服务中的老前辈。许多研究人员,包括位于西雅图的艾伦人工智能研究所的首席执行官奥伦?埃齐奥尼在内,都认为在语音识别和回答问题方面,苹果的领先优势已消耗殆尽。

    Siri is the oldest of the bunch , and researchers including Oren Etzioni , chief executive officer of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle , said Apple has squandered its lead when it comes to understanding speech and answering questions .

  16. 国家首脑人物已由贵族中所选出的执政官来充任。

    The positions at the head of the state were occupied by archons elected from the nobility .

  17. 2003年,塞恩离开高盛,来到纽交所担任首席执行官。

    In 2003 , Thain left Goldman to become chief executive of the New York Stock Exchange .

  18. 英国癌症研究所的健康信息官克莱尔·奈特博士表示,这项研究证明了不运动与癌症的关系。

    Dr Claire Knight , health information officer at Cancer Research UK , said the findings back up other studies on physical inactivity and cancer .

  19. 我是乔纳森·哈格里夫斯,是生产研究所的首席执行官,年度工厂奖是我所与巴灵顿商学院联合设立的一个奖项。

    My name is Jonathan Hargreaves , and I 'm Chief Executive of the Institute of Production Research , which organised these awards , in association with Barrington Business School .

  20. 第11条本法第十七条所定司法警察官、司法警察,包括军法警察官、军法警察。

    Ram the Foundation Participate in the Examination Calmly ; Article 11 The judicial police officer or judicial policeman mentioned in Article 17 shall include military police officer and military policeman .

  21. 满族人的婚姻习俗&从《唐氏家谱》家训篇看满族人家族生活国家首脑人物已由贵族中所选出的执政官来充任。

    Manchu People 's Wedlock Habitude & Seeding Tang 's Stemmata 's Education to Search the Living of Manchu Family the positions at the head of the state were occupied by archons elected from the nobility .