
  • 网络Solomons
  1. 所罗门差人去见推罗王希兰,说,你曾运香柏木与我父大卫建宫居住,求你也这样待我。

    Solomon sent this message to Hiram king of Tyre : 'Send me cedar logs as you did for my father David when you sent him cedar to build a palace to live in .

  2. 13所罗门王差遣人往推罗去,将户兰召了来。

    And King Solomon sent for Hiram and brought him from Tyre .

  3. 于是所罗门王差遣人,使亚多尼雅从坛上下来,他就来,向所罗门王下拜。

    Then King Solomon sent men , and they brought him down from the altar .

  4. 生活在太平洋所罗门群岛的人还是这样。

    The people who live in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean still do .

  5. 因为所罗门随从西顿人的女神亚斯他录和亚扪人可憎的神米勒公。

    For Solomon went after ashtoreth , the goddess of the zidonians , and milcom , the disgusting god of the ammonites .

  6. 把如此多样的户外运动混淆在一起,置于同一标题下,是没有任何意义的,只留下所罗门先生一人在孤独的荒野中大吼。

    Lumping such a wide range of outdoor activities under the same heading makes no sense . And it will only leave Mr. Solomon alone , a voice crying in the wilderness .

  7. 随后,所罗门法律部负责人唐•弗耶斯坦(DonFeuerstein)和利普顿走了出去,开始着手准备申请破产保护。

    Then Don Feuerstein , head of Salomon 's legal department , and Lipton went off and began to set in motion the wheels of filing for bankruptcy .

  8. 但是,对人来说,所罗门群岛上的人所做的或许有些道理。

    As for people , well , the Solomon islanders may have a point .

  9. 确信所罗门有言:人有怨仇而不报是他底光荣。

    And Solomon , I am sure , saith , It is the glory of a man to pass by an offence .

  10. 耶罗波安是大有才能的人。所罗门见这少年人殷勤,就派他监管约瑟家的一切工程。

    The man Jeroboam was very able , and when Solomon saw that the young man was industrious he gave him charge over all the forced labor of the house of Joseph .