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  • 网络Opposite;counter quadrant
  1. 人们对这部影片的反应大不一样。

    People 's reaction to the film has varied greatly .

  2. 我很想知道你对这部电影的看法。

    I 'm intrigued to know what you thought of the movie .

  3. 全国性报纸都对这部戏剧作了评论。

    The play was reviewed in the national newspapers .

  4. 那位批评家对这部戏剧的评论不过是在发泄怒气。

    The critic 's review of the play was just a paragraph of bile .

  5. 对一部小说过多的剖析可能会影响你对它的欣赏。

    Your enjoyment of a novel can suffer from too much analysis and dissection .

  6. 我对这部戏剧了解得不够,说不出什么意见。

    I didn 't see enough of the play to form an opinion about it .

  7. 对内政部进行改革的尝试还没有取得很大进展。

    Efforts to reform the Interior Ministry have not yet proceeded very far .

  8. 布拉纳对这部剧进行了高明的删改。

    Branagh has cut the play judiciously

  9. 大家对这部影片反应很好。

    People responded very favourably to the film .

  10. 我对这部电影不感兴趣。

    This film does not commend itself to me .

  11. CT扫描对颌面部骨源性的肿瘤与类肿瘤病变定性诊断及侵犯范围的准确评估有重要意义。

    CT scan is one of important examination methods for diagnosis and extent evaluation .

  12. B:你是说,真的有人对那部旧电视树有兴趣啊!“ad”是“advertisement”的简称,在口语里面常见到。“Checkthisout!”也是句常用的句子。

    B : You mean somebody 's actually interested in that old TV ?

  13. 耳廓复合组织游离移植矫治中度杯状耳畸形(2)应用监测皮岛,对深部移植组织瓣的血供监测3d是足够的。

    Treating congenital cup ear using auricular composite tissue free grafts ( 2 ) Three days ' clinical observation may be sufficient for evaluating the circulation of the buried free grafts .

  14. 我们认为,肠外给予IGF-I和肠内给予Gln对大部小肠切除后回肠的适应性增生都各自具有促进作用并具有协同作用。

    We conclude that parenteral IGF-I and enteral Gln have both individual and synergistic effects on ileal adaptation after massive small intestinal resection .

  15. 酮康唑(Ketoconazole,KCZ)属于咪唑类抗真菌药物,对深部真菌和浅表真菌感染均有作用。

    Ketoconazole ( KCZ ) is an imidazole antifungal agent with a broad spectrum of activity against systemic and superficial mycoses .

  16. 对南部引嫩工程分散性粘土坝的分析

    Analysis on Dispersal Clay Dam of Southern Nen River Diversion Engineering

  17. 水对深部工程软岩蠕变规律的影响

    The Effect of Water on Creep Law of Deep Soft Rock

  18. 中国的许多网民都对这部电影充满期待。

    Many Chinese Web users are excited about the film .

  19. 溶解电荷和表面电荷为零对湿部流送系统所产生的影响

    Consequences of the Zero Soluble and Surface Charge Wet-end Approach

  20. 自出版以来,很多评论家和学者都从不同的角度对这部作品进行鉴赏分析。

    Critics and scholars appreciate and analyse this work from different perspectives .

  21. 不同冲角下叶片弯曲对端部二次流动的影响

    The fluence of blade curving on end secondary flow at different incidence

  22. 我对那部电影一点都不感兴趣。

    I am not interested in that movie at all .

  23. 魔鬼终结者:对两部电影的神话解读

    On Devil Terminator : Myth Explanations to Two Movies END OF DAYS

  24. 内燃机活塞裙部配缸间隙对裙部润滑影响的研究

    The Effects of Radial Clearance Between Piston and Cylinder Bore on Piston Lubrication

  25. 如何加强对项目部资金控制

    How to strengthen the capital control for a project

  26. 应用粒子技术对船尾部浪花功能进行模拟仿真。

    Using particle technology to simulate the sternward spray .

  27. 他说,对这部电影的大范围新闻报道有效地吸引了观众。

    He said widespread news coverage of the movie is helping to attract filmgoers .

  28. 关心学生心理健康提高学生综合素质&对基础部学生心理素质的部分调查

    Care for students ' psychology improve quality education

  29. 企业对内外部信息的通透性模型研究

    Research on a Model of Penetrability of Information Interior and Exterior to a Corporation

  30. 文学史观与文学史写作&对三部新型当代文学史的阅读与比较

    Notions of Literary History and Literary History Writing