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  • 网络crown;Crest
  1. 借助于楼房的高度,我可以望见柳树的冠顶。

    With aid of the height of building , I could view the tree crown of willows .

  2. 一种产于北美北部的麻雀(树雀鹀),有红棕色冠顶,胸脯上长有黑点。

    A sparrow ( Spizella arborea ) of northern North America having a reddish-brown crown and a dark spot on the breast .

  3. 澳门大学的校徽由一个五座城堡冠顶的盾牌和分别用中葡文书写的「澳门大学」的校名字样组成。

    The emblem of the University of Macau features a five-towered crest encircled by golden rings and the name of the University in Chinese and Portuguese .

  4. 轮胎使用中未出现缓冲层钢丝刺出和胎冠顶炸问题。

    The problems , such as the prick-out of steel cord in breaker and the burst at the crown top haven 't occured in the above tire .

  5. 利用独立分量分析算法分割玉米种子的胚乳部分和冠顶部分,提取了胚乳部分和冠顶部分的颜色特征以及面积特征。

    Using independent component analysis algorithms to segment the endosperm and the crown portion of corn seed , and extracted the color features and area features from the endosperm portion and the crown portion .