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  1. 治世之音安以乐&论孟浩然诗中的盛唐气象

    The Phenomenon of Prosperous Tang Dynasty in Meng Haoran 's poetry

  2. 盛唐气象的曙光

    The Dawn of Tang in Its Heyday

  3. 盛唐气象是不可逾越的,因为它毕竟是一个时代的产物和反映。

    This period is insurmountable because its poetry is a product and a reflection of an age .

  4. 文人园林的建造已是当时普遍的社会现象,是盛唐气象的缩影。

    The literator landscape gardens construction already was the universal social phenomenon , which was the epitome of the Tang Dynasty .

  5. 此外,还有令人熟知的“画圣”吴道子,李思训,大音乐家李龟年,都是盛唐气象的代表。

    In addition , the well-known representative artists are the " Sage painter " Wu Daozi , Li Sixun ; the celebrated musician Li Guinian etc.

  6. 近几十年来,林庚的盛唐气象理论一直是唐诗研究的基本理论范畴。

    Abstract The ideas about the literary prosperity of the Tang dynasty advocated by Lin Geng have been the basic theoretic categories in the study of Tang poems .

  7. 在此期间出现的贞观之治,开元盛世构成了中华民族引以为傲的盛唐气象。

    Presented " governing of the Zhenguan ", " the New Year prosperous times " constitutes the Chinese nation to take for the arrogant glorious age of Tang poetry meteorology .

  8. 不过,受中晚唐特定政治环境和道教文化的影响,唐代侠义小说己经失去了那种恢宏瑰伟、刚健雍容的盛唐气象,而是弥漫着一种阴性、静谧的情慷。

    However , influenced by the special political circumstance and The Taoism culture , the chivalrous novels of the Tang had lost its great , splendid atmosphere of Flourishing Tang , but spread a kind of negative and quiet sentiment .

  9. 盛唐时期的人物画艺术形象独特,绘画技法也有了一定的突破,具有强烈的时代感,呈现了盛唐的气象。

    The art images were unique , and the painting technique also had been broken through . Figure paintings in Prime Tang Dynasty , who had been given strong sense with the times .