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dà xīng
  • Daxing;energetically;go in for large-scale construction;go in for sth. in a big way
大兴 [dà xīng]
  • (1) [go in for large-scale construction]∶大规模开展或从事

  • 大兴土木

  • (2) [energetically]∶大规模或有力地

  • 大兴调查研究之风

大兴[dà xīng]
  1. 北京西站至雄安新区间最快旅行时间50分钟,大兴机场至雄安新区间最快19分钟可达。

    Passengers can take high-speed trains from Beijing West Railway Station directly to Xiong'an New Area with the shortest commuting time at 50 minutes . The journey between Beijing Daxing International Airport and Xiong'an will be about 19 minutes .

  2. 基于分形方法确定合肥大兴地区土壤中Cd元素的异常下限

    The Determination of the Singularity Thresholds of Soil Cd in Daxing , Hefei Using Fractal Method

  3. 分形方法确定土壤中重金属异常下限&以合肥大兴地区Cu元素为例

    Determination of Metal Elements Thresholds in Soil with Fractal Method-A Case of Cu in Daxing Area , Hefei

  4. 合肥大兴镇土壤中Pb元素缓变型地球化学灾害研究

    Research on the delayed geochemical hazard of lead in soil of Daxing town , anhui Province

  5. 基于GIS和RS的风沙危害风险性评价&以大兴区永定河沙地为例

    Risk Assessment of Wind Erosion Based on RS and GIS & A Case Study in Yongding River , Beijing

  6. 基于GIS的城乡交错带土壤养分时空变化及格局分析&以北京市大兴区为例

    GIS based analysis of spatial-temporal distribution of soil nutrients in a suburb region : A case study of the daxing district in Beijing City

  7. v.设立防御工事士兵们在山上这地点大兴泥土工程及设立木墙,以设立防御工事。

    fortify The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls .

  8. DMC数据在土地利用动态监测中的应用分析&以北京市大兴区为例

    The Application of DMC Data to the Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring & Taking Daxing District of Beijing as an Example

  9. 基于Hazen概率曲线的合肥大兴地区土壤Pb元素背景含量与污染叠加含量区分

    Identification of Background Content and Polluted Content of Soil Pb Based on Hazen Probability Curve in Daxing , Hefei

  10. 南部的大兴拟建一座新机场,北京首都国际机场(BeijingCapitalInternationalAirport)已在最近的年报中表示,即将达到饱和点。按乘客数量计,该机场是全球第二繁忙的机场。

    A new airport is planned for Daxing , south of the city - Beijing Capital International Airport , the world 's second-busiest by passenger numbers , said in its latest annual report it was reaching saturation point .

  11. 随后,文章对北京地铁市郊线&大兴线曾计划使用的PPP模式的投融资方案进行了分析介绍,虽然这个方案最终没能被使用,但是从中可以找出一定的经验以及需要完善的地方。

    It tried to use the PPP mode to finance . Although this program ultimately could be used , but from which we can find some experience and need to be perfected .

  12. 这些车辆将在大兴区被称为E-Town的自动驾驶示范区内运行。

    The vehicles will operate in the autonomous driving demonstration area known as E-Town in Daxing District .

  13. 北京市大兴县、昌平区2000年3S土地利用变更调查工作实践表明:此技术具有工期短、精度高、费用低、数据可靠性高等优点,是传统变更调查方法所无法比拟的。

    In 2000 , the practice of " 3S " land use change survey in Daxing county and Changping district of Beijing indicated that it had more advantages than traditional method , such as shorter work-period , higher mapping precision , lower expenditure and better reliability .

  14. 北京市大兴区农业信息技术应用发展概况

    Introduction of application and development of agricultural information technology in Daxing

  15. 基于可持续发展的北京市大兴区土地整理潜力评价

    Land-consolidation-potentiality evaluation based on sustainable development for Daxing District in Beijing

  16. 大兴区智能化农业信息技术应用与发展思考

    Application and prospect of agricultural intelligent information technology in Daxing district

  17. 大兴电站排漂舌瓣门闸门制造

    Fabrication of the discharge floating flap gate in Daxing Hydropower Station

  18. 大兴机场位于北京市中心以南46公里处。

    Daxing Airport is located 46 kilometers south of downtown Beijing .

  19. 截至周五,大兴机场已完成航班起降8.4万架次。

    It has had 84000 takeoffs and landings as of Monday .

  20. 大兴煤矿提高资源回收率的途径和措施

    Ways and measures of increasing coal resources recovery by Daxing Coal Mine

  21. 大兴煤矿综采放顶煤开采初探

    The Primary Study About Mining Releasing Top Coal in Daxing Coal Mine

  22. 经济欠发达乡镇小城镇建设的对策研究&大兴县礼贤镇小城镇建设调查

    Thinking of the Small Cities and Towns Construction in Less Developed Towns

  23. 对大兴井田北部构造的几点认识

    Some understanding to the north structure in Daxing mine field

  24. 北京市大兴区典型土壤水分入渗规律田间试验研究

    Field experimental study on soil infiltration process of Daxing District , Beijing

  25. 大兴井田火成岩活动与瓦斯突出的关系

    Relation of Igneous Rock Move and Gas Outburst in Daxing Well Field

  26. 其中丰台区6例,大兴区1例。

    Six of them were found in Fengtai and one in Daxing .

  27. 方法选择四川省西昌市大兴乡为试验区,化疗加灭螺试验组实施人群扩大化疗和易感环境灭螺;

    Method Daxing Township of Xichang City was selected as experimental site .

  28. 楔形揭煤法在大兴煤矿的应用

    Application of Cuneiform Coal Uncovering Method in Daxing Coal Mine

  29. 大兴区乙肝病毒感染有关慢性肝病死亡情况分析

    Death analysis of chronic hepatopathy related to HBV infection in Daxing District

  30. 北京市大兴区新农村住宅设计

    House Design in the New Countryside of Daxing District , Beijing Municipality