
  • 网络institutional sector;Department
  1. 本文以机构部门视角探究了中国经济增长与金融发展的关系具有重大理论与现实意义。

    It has such a great importance in terms of theory and practice to further explore the relationship between financial development and economic growth with a new perspective of the institutional sector .

  2. 对疾病预防控制机构部门预算改革的思考

    Considerations on sector budget reform of the center for disease control and prevention

  3. 贡献率辨析:以机构部门分析为例

    Analyzing Contribution Rate : Taking Sectoral Analysis as Example

  4. 机构部门完整系列帐户

    Full sequence of accounts for institutional sectors

  5. 其信贷机构部门有14名职员,希望到年底将扩充至20人。

    Its credit agencies unit has 14 people and hopes to have 20 by the end of the year .

  6. 在布伦特兰博士执政期间,他曾任外部关系和理事机构部门执行主任以及卫生技术和药物部门执行主任。

    He has served as Executive Director for External Relations and Governing Bodies and Executive Director for Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals under Dr Brundtland .

  7. 分别对住户生产核算的主体、范围以及住户部门在不同国民经济活动阶段与其他机构部门之间所发生的经济交易进行界定,并对住户生产核算的基本原则和理论基础进行详细地理论阐述。

    This chapter defines the body , scope and the economic transactions between the household sector and other institutional sectors during different stages , and elaborately describes the basic principles and theoretical basis of household production accounting .

  8. 本文运用投入产出矩阵对国民经济各机构部门的金融资产和负债给予动态模型的建立,从而可有效地预测出各机构部门的资金流向,对金融风险预警。

    This article deals with the establishment of dynamic model for the financial asset-liability of all organizations and departments of national economy with the input-output matrix so that the Capital Orientation and the financial risk can be foreseen effectively and warned timely .

  9. 采用UML建模工具,在机构编制部门相关人员通力配合下,有效的完成了系统需求收集和分析。

    UML modeling tools , and compiling department staff effort with the completion of the collection and analysis of system requirements .

  10. 违反这类规则的应用将被拒绝纳入苹果应用商店(APPStore),而任何违反隐私保护政策的行为都有可能导致联邦监管机构执法部门的介入。

    Apps that break these rules risk ejection from the App Store , while any breach of a privacy policy could involve federal regulatory enforcement .

  11. 亚洲公司已经成熟了,花旗(Citi)机构客户部门亚太区首席执行官罗伯特•莫尔斯(RobertMorse)说。

    Asian corporates have come of age , said Robert Morse , Asia-Pacific chief executive of Citi 's institutional clients group .

  12. 分析了合同能源管理业务在我国建筑节能领域发展的主要障碍,提出了可以采取的措施,指出政府、ESCO及金融机构等部门在建筑节能领域的重要作用。

    This paper illustrates the main barriers and strategies of developing Energy Management Contract in our country ′ s building energy saving field .

  13. 然而,德意志银行机构经纪部门引资主管西恩卡普斯蒂克(SeanCapstick)表示,大型对冲基金可能会逃脱此难,因为它们能够负担得起投资者日益强烈要求的、昂贵的管理体系与控制机制。

    However , Sean Capstick , head of capital introductions at Deutsche 's prime brokerage , said the big managers were likely to survive as they could afford the expensive systems and controls investors increasingly demand .

  14. 世界贸易组织的最高统治机构是部门的会议。

    The highest governing body of the WTO is the ministerial conference .

  15. 管理一个政府代理机构或部门的人。

    Someone who manages a government agency or department .

  16. 工作计划管理可针对整个组织机构、部门或具体的工程项目进行管理。

    Work plan for the whole management organization , department or specific engineering project management .

  17. 对机构或部门的选择应由申请人决定。

    The choice of body or agency shall be at the discretion of the applicant .

  18. 政府机构和部门的主要区别是机构为一个非常明确的需求服务。

    The primary difference between agencies and departments is that agencies serve a very specific need .

  19. 这些组织包括政府机构和部门,专利办公室和公、私投资机构。

    These include government agencies and departments , patent offices , and both private and public funding organisations .

  20. 这一工作需要众多机构和部门的参与、协调和配合开展。

    This work requires the participation of numerous agencies and departments , coordination and cooperation to carry out .

  21. 其他公共服务机构和部门从社区部到财政部再到教育部也应该对我们的结论做出响应。

    Our conclusions should also echo through other public services and departments , from Communities to the Treasury to Education .

  22. 目前呼叫中心主要应用在一些大型企业和政府事业机构职能部门中。

    Call center is currently mainly used in a number of large enterprises and public enterprises in the functional departments .

  23. 对于同类进口和国产货物,所有机构和部门将颁发相同的标志和收取相同的费用。

    For like imported and domestic goods , all bodies and agencies would issue the same mark and charge the same fee .

  24. 指公司通过发行新公司的股票,将公司分支机构或部门从公司中拆离出去的行为。

    The separation of a subsidiary or division of a corporation from its parent by issuing shares in a new corporate entity .

  25. 为了促进建立一个健康和高效的机构投资者部门,中国应该注意以下指导原则。

    In order to promote a sound and efficient institutional investors sector , China is recommended to take note of the following guiding principles .

  26. 零售商店的经理在零售监督机构或部门的销售人员,并可以完成诸如采购,预算和会计管理工作。

    Retail store managers supervise sales workers in a retail establishment or department , and may perform management duties like purchasing , budgeting and accounting .

  27. 因此,国家各级各类档案机构和部门应重视并加快该制度的建立与实施工作。

    So national archival institutions and departments of different levels should pay attention to and accelerate the construction of this system and its implementation work .

  28. 高校管理机构大部门体制是同高校学术本位取向和精简效能目标内在一致的。

    The administration of higher educational institutions implement large department system is in accord with the orientation of academic-based and the objective of streamlining & efficacy .

  29. 我们过去从未制定过这样一个统一的战略,给予我们一个围绕共同目标和原则指导机构所有部门工作的全面路线图。

    Never before have we defined a strategy that gives us a comprehensive roadmap to guide all parts of our institution around common goals and principles .

  30. 主动性工作可能出现在一个组织或企业的不同来源中,包括希望直接对企业商业战略做出贡献的商业机构和部门。

    Initiatives may arise from various sources within an organization or enterprise , including businesses or business segments that intend to contribute directly to the enterprise business strategy .