
  • 网络market capital
  1. 该公司占韩国主要股市市场资本的20%。

    The company accounts for 20 percent of the market capital on South Korea 's main stock market .

  2. 在服务资本的表现形式中,市场资本是支持资本,管理资本是保障资本,人才资本是基础资本。

    The service capital is showed in three forms : market capital that is supporting capital , management capital that is ensuring capital and talent capital that is primary capital .

  3. 对于市场资本超过7000亿美元的公司,首次提交XBRL格式的财务报表时不能带详细脚注。

    Those with market capitalization above $ 700 million must make their initial submission in XBRL without detailed tagging of footnotes .

  4. 雅虎的市场资本总值约在440亿美元。

    Yahoo has a market capitalization of about $ 44 billion .

  5. 因此,对证券市场资本价格进行科学的预测有着重要的理论与现实意义。

    Therefore , to forecast capital prices in stock market have important theoretical and practical significance .

  6. 机构投资者行为对资本市场资本配置效率的影响

    The Impact of the Institutional Investors ' Behavior on the Efficiency of Capital Allocation in the Capital Market

  7. 从信息披露与股票市场资本配置效率来看,信息披露质量可以降低股权融资过程中的逆向选择和道德风险,提高资本配置效率。

    Information disclosure can reduce the adverse choice and moral hazard during the process of equity financing , enhance the efficiency of capital allocation .

  8. 组织资本包括企业整体流程、组织结构设计、运用信息技术的能力、知识财产管理与信息系统架构;市场资本包括合作伙伴关系、顾客导向经营、顾客关系管理与供应商关系。

    Organization capital involves four dimensions : organizational structure design , the ability to use information technology , intellectual property and information systems management framework .

  9. 除了近几年中的几个短暂时间段外,通用电器一直是世界上市场资本总额最高的公司。

    Except for a few brief periods in recent years , General Electric has had the highest market capitalization of any company in the world .

  10. 一些人则想使其影响力同占全球市场资本总额一半的美国股票市场不相上下。

    Some want it to have influence commensurate with the size of America 's equity markets , which account for almost half of global market capitalization .

  11. 探讨了信息披露影响股票市场资本配置效率的机制,对中国股票市场的逆向选择和道德风险进行了研究,探讨了中国股票市场的资本配置效率情况。

    This section discusses the mechanism that information disclosure affects capital allocation efficiency of stock market , research the adverse choice , moral hazard and capital allocation situation in Chinese stock market .

  12. 首先从人力资本、结构资本、技术资本和市场资本四方面构建知识资本,并较详细地分析了每部分的主要构成。

    In this paper , a value tree that integrates human capital , structure capital , technology capital and market capital is described in detail to identify and exploit intellectual capital ( IC ) .

  13. 上市公司披露的信息数量充足、质量是高是低,都会影响到投资者对上市公司价值的判断,进而影响其投资决策,最后影响证券市场资本配置是否得到优化。

    Whether the disclosure of information of listed companies is high quality , or the quantity is high or low , will affect the investors ' decision-making , finally affect stock market capital allocation is optimized .

  14. 韦尔奇不仅没把它打碎,而且对它进行了改造,使它的发展超出了任何人的预料:公司的市场资本总额由140亿美元增加到今天的4000多亿美元。

    Not only did Welch not break it , but he transformed it as well and multiplied its value beyond anyone 's expectations : from a market capitalization of $ 14 billion to more than $ 400 billion today .

  15. 介绍了知识资本风险预警指标体系构建的原则;将知识资本风险划分为人力资本风险、技术资本风险、管理资本风险、市场资本风险和顾客资本风险五个方面进行预警指标的构建;

    Constructs the indicator analyses of the risk pre-warning system of IC from the human capital risk status , the technology capital risk status , the management capital risk status , the market capital risk status and the customer capital risk status ;

  16. 对于国家元首们,我们用国内生产总值来衡量,而对于那些首席执行官们,我们就要借鉴世界2000强公司的年度排名,考察其在市场资本总值、利润、资产、收入方面的综合排名。

    For heads of state we used GDP , while for CEOs , we looked at a composite ranking of market capitalization , profits , assets and revenues as reflected on our annual ranking of the World ` s 2000 Largest Companies .

  17. 文章通过对上海证券市场资本资产定价的实证研究,表明中国证券市场还远未形成完整、有效和规范的风险-收益权衡的投资机制。

    Empirical research on capital asset pricing in Shanghai Stock Market is carried out based on the capital asset pricing model , and it is indicated that China stock markets have not formed an integrated , effective and standard risk-return mechanism so far .

  18. 全文用三章分别研究了组织资本、技术资本、市场资本等各项知识资本的基本内容,探讨了各项知识资本形成的路径以及获利能力持续的原因,进一步证实了企业知识资本的存在。

    Such knowledge capital as organization capital , technology capital , market capital is studied in the thesis , and the content of knowledge capital , the " access " these capitals evolved and the factor retaining the ability to make profit are explored as focuses .

  19. 国际金融协会(instituteforinternationalfinance)昨日警告,流向新兴市场的资本流动今年面临断流的危险,原因是发达经济体的金融危机正窒息输往发展中国家的信贷供应。

    Capital flows to emerging markets are in danger of collapsing this year as the financial crisis in advanced economies risks choking off the supply of credit to the developing world , an association of large banks warned yesterday .

  20. 具有讽刺意味的是,中国等国家渴望扶植能与苹果(Apple)和通用电气等公司媲美的企业,将全球制造与高水平的研发及对本国市场的资本投资结合起来。

    The irony is that countries such as China yearn to cultivate equivalents of Apple , GE and other companies that combine global manufacturing with a high level of research and development , and capital investment in their domestic markets .

  21. 伦敦朗伯德街研究咨询公司(lombardstreetresearch)主席查尔斯杜马斯(charlesdumas)表示,流入新兴市场的资本,更多的是因为投资者要逃避富裕经济体的低迷回报,而非他们对增长具有依据充足的信心。

    Charles Dumas , chairman of the London-based consultancy Lombard Street research , says capital flowing into emerging markets is more to do with investors escaping dismal returns in the rich economies than any well-founded confidence about growth .

  22. 这严重破坏了市场配置资本作为资源的效率。

    That undermines efficient capital allocation and allows excesses to fester .

  23. 结构性衍生工具与新兴市场国际资本流动中的集体非理性

    Structured Derivatives and Collective Irrationality in International Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

  24. 货币市场与资本市场的政策隔离等。

    The isolation of money market from capital market in policy , etc.

  25. 实现货币市场与资本市场有效的资金互动

    The Effective Interaction of Money Flow between Money Market and Capital Market

  26. 多数新兴市场的资本项目现在都更加开放。

    Most emerging markets now have more open capital accounts .

  27. 分业体制下货币市场与资本市场的对接机制

    The System of Branch Monetary Market and Capital Market

  28. 保险市场和资本市场的互动趋势增强,两个市场间的相互影响加深,保险业务与投资业务的联系也日益密切;

    Interaction between insurance market and capital market increase ;

  29. 构建内部市场模拟资本经营

    Building inside market and simulating capital operation

  30. 张欣表示:中国房地产市场的资本密集程度已经非常高。

    The Chinese real estate market has become so capital intensive , Ms Zhang said .