
  • 网络Other financial institutions;Other financial corporations
  1. 风险咨询公司ControlRisks近期来自保险公司及其它金融机构的委托大增,对方都希望了解政治在主权违约风险中扮演的角色。

    Control Risks a risk consultancy has seen a big increase in mandates from insurance companies and other financial institutions seeking to understand the part politics plays in sovereign default risk .

  2. 正如金融稳定论坛(FinancialStabilityForum)最近指出的那样,银行和其它金融机构需要至少再筹集3600亿美元的资金,才能应对尚未实现的亏损。

    As the Financial Stability Forum recently noted , banks and other financial institutions will have to raise at least another $ 350bn of capital to deal with yet-to-be-realised losses .

  3. 但罗宾逊明白无误地传达了Facebook希望其它金融机构跟进的愿望。

    But Robinson is clearly communicating to the banking community that Facebook ( FB ) hopes other financial institutions will follow .

  4. 对于其受到密切关注的银行及其它金融机构损失预测,imf没有提供最新情况,目前正在评估之中。

    The IMF did not update its closely watched estimates for losses facing banks and other financial institutions , which are under review .

  5. 欧盟(EU)各国财政部长和央行高官周末决定,在为欧盟从事跨境业务的银行或其它金融机构纾困方面,不应预设固定规则。

    European Union finance ministers and central bankers decided at the weekend against establishing fixed rules in advance on how to bail out banks or other financial institutions that have cross-border operations in the EU .

  6. 他举例说,房贷机构Nationwide的广告暗示,其它金融机构只关心如何吸引新客户,而不重视现有客户。

    Nationwide 's ads , he says by way of example , suggest that other financial institutions only care about attracting new customers and do not look after existing clients .

  7. 美国财政部昨日表示,银行、对冲基金及其它金融机构可能会发现自己的投资策略受到美联储(fed)的限制,以降低经济出现资产泡沫的风险。

    Banks , hedge funds and other financial institutions could find their investment strategies curtailed by the Federal Reserve to reduce to the risk to the economy from asset bubbles , the US Treasury said yesterday .

  8. 这一令人震惊的变化,一定程度上反映出所谓贷款抵押债券(CollateralisedLoanObligation)工具,或资产管理机构及其它金融机构投资组合工具的崛起。

    Part of this seismic shift reflects the rise of so-called collateralised loan obligation ( CLO ) vehicles , or portfolios of loan instruments run by asset managers and other financial institutions .

  9. 第三,TDI的变更,将适用于来自银行、其它金融机构或资本市场的融资,但不适用于来自得到担保的零售存款的融资。

    Third , the change to TDI would apply to funding from banks and other financial entities or capital market sources but not to funding through insured retail deposits .

  10. 与此同时,政府可能不得不采取干预措施,以类似于对待雷曼兄弟(lehman)和aig的方式为其它金融机构解决危机,但干预行动将在更加制度化和系统化的框架下进行。

    At the same time , the government may be forced to intervene to resolve crises at other financial institutions , possibly in the mould of Lehman and AIG , but within a more institutionalised and systematic framework .

  11. 他在谈到英国北岩(northernrock)和美国贝尔斯登(bearstearns)的例子时表示:“可能会有一些银行和其它金融机构处于违约的边缘,最终将由政府纾困。”

    Highlighting the examples of Northern Rock in the UK and Bear Stearns in the US , he says : " there may be numbers of banks and other financial institutions that , at the edge of defaulting , will end up being bailed out by governments . "

  12. 国际货币基金组织(imf)研究员理查德波德别拉(richardpodpiera)发现,在盈利能力最强客户所在的中国省份,其它金融机构正以更快的速度抢占大型国有银行的市场份额。

    Richard podpiera , an International Monetary Fund researcher , found that the large state-owned banks were losing market share to other financial institutions more quickly in those provinces that contained the most profitable customers .

  13. 据上海咨奔商务咨询(Z-Ben)估计,以这种方式向对冲基金、资产管理公司和其它金融机构出租的额度多达30亿美元。

    As much as $ 3bn of quota is rented out under this arrangement to hedge funds , asset managers and other financial institutions , according to estimates from Z-Ben , a fund consultancy based in Shanghai .

  14. csle的其他股东将包括上海和深圳证交所,以及一些券商和其它金融机构。

    Other shareholders in the cSLE will include the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges , as well as brokerage firms and other financial institutions .

  15. 澳大利亚人通常都将资金存放在银行或其它金融机构。

    Australian person deposits fund normally in bank or other finance orgnaization .

  16. 但美国其它金融机构就不同了。

    Yet this is not true for other US institutions .

  17. 这种信心缺失在自我应验,并危及其它金融机构。

    This lack of confidence is self-fulfilling and endangers other financial institutions .

  18. 由于担心爆发更大范围的信心危机,国内其它金融机构战战兢兢。

    Other local financial institutions shudder , fearing a wider crisis of confidence .

  19. 中国的银行和其它金融机构拒绝购买贬值趋势明显的美元资产。

    Chinese banks and other financial institutions refused to acquire predictably depreciating dollar assets .

  20. 这些发展机构同样应恢复与商业银行及其它金融机构的联合融资。

    These development institutions should also reinstate co-financing with commercial banks and other financial institutions .

  21. 其它金融机构则与金融租赁公司结盟方面状态良好。

    Other financial institutions are in good positions to ally themselves with financial leasing firms .

  22. 银行和其它金融机构正在对相关部门进行游说,反对通过以公允价值计量其所持资产的会计规则。

    Banks and other financial institutions are lobbying against fair-value accounting for their asset holdings .

  23. 前项其它金融机构之管理办法,由行政院定之。

    Administrative rules governing the aforesaid financial institutions shall be as stipulated by the executive yuan .

  24. 因此,更低的全球股价可能会阻碍银行及其它金融机构的增资。

    Consequently , lower global stock prices could impede the recapitalisation of banks and other financial institutions .

  25. 不过,荷兰国际集团的情况看来要好于欧洲其它金融机构。

    Still , ING appears to have made out better than some other financial firms in Europe .

  26. 商业银行与其它金融机构一样,在资金融通过程中所创造的核心价值是管理金融风险。

    The core value created by commercial banks as well as other financial institutions is managing financial risks .

  27. 这种价格下跌进而导致了商业银行及其它金融机构的巨额亏损。

    This fall , in turn , is causing large losses at commercial banks and other financial institutions .

  28. 随着时间的推移,新种类的银行和其它金融机构不断进化,主干慢慢向外分出枝杈。

    Over time , the trunk branches outwards as new kinds of bank and other financial institution evolve .

  29. 如果要说服这些机构往外贷款,它们需要知道,其它金融机构也会这样做。

    If they are to be persuaded to lend , they need to know that others will do so too .

  30. 它并未对银行和其它金融机构起到保护作用,许多机构尽管受到卖空保护,还是破产了。

    Rather than protecting banks and other financial institutions , many failed even while they were protected from short selling .