
qí jiān
  • between them;among them;between;during;in;meanwhile
其间 [qí jiān]
  • (1) [in; between them]∶在中间

  • 两幢房子及夹在其间的院子

  • 颓然其间者。--宋. 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》

  • 北与寇往来其间。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

  • 袍敝衣处其间。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • 时出于其间焉。--蔡元培《图画》

  • (2) [in]∶指某一段时间

  • 参加这项工作已有半年了,这其间,他学到不少新的知识

其间[qí jiān]
  1. 将五个圆锥形物体(或者其他东西)排成一条直线,并在其间绕行。

    Put five cones ( or other objects ) in a straight line and weave between them .

  2. 忽而看到宝玉与宝钗成亲&她在其间飘忽不定。

    Sometimes , she saw the wedding of Baoyu and Baochai while she herself was drifting between them .

  3. 她童年的经历不同寻常,其间她和父亲游遍了欧洲。

    She spent an unorthodox girlhood travelling with her father throughout Europe

  4. 他的政治生涯将近40年,其间起起伏伏。

    He had a chequered political career spanning nearly forty years

  5. 有过交火,其间那名持枪歹徒受伤了。

    There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded

  6. 他们已经仔细搜遍了其间绵延数英里的高沼地。

    They had scoured the intervening miles of moorland .

  7. 不管怎么说,那场婚姻还是维持了8个月,其间双方的关系一直很紧张。

    Somehow the marriage lasted for eight tempestuous months .

  8. 国家需要一段时间的稳定,其间不要再有重大的变革。

    The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change

  9. 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。

    The air was thin and crisp , filled with hazy sunshine and frost

  10. 经过了其间那么多年他的记忆已经不大清楚了。

    The intervening years had dimmed his memory .

  11. 整个晚上,梅利莎都在等汤姆的电话,其间一支接一支地抽着烟。

    Melissa had chain-smoked all evening while she waited for a phone call from Tom .

  12. 我被送到寄宿学校呆了6年,其间我的生活一直很悲惨。

    I was sent to boarding school , where I spent six years of unremitting misery

  13. 天空一片深蓝色,其间星光闪烁。

    The sky was deep blue and starry

  14. 她在罐头上曲里拐弯地划了个口,其间还弄弯了一把小刀。

    She 'd cut a jagged hole in the tin , bending a knife in the process .

  15. 他在他的酒店举行了一场历时3个钟头的家庭卡拉OK演唱会,其间高歌了辛纳屈和甲壳虫乐队的一些热门歌曲。

    He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel , belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits .

  16. 我在大街上一无所获来回走了10分钟,其间还要拼命地躲避路人的目光。

    I spent a fruitless ten minutes walking up and down the high street , desperately avoiding eye contact with passers-by .

  17. 我过了两年时间才好起来,其间他喂我进食,并承担全部的家务。

    It took two years for me to get better , during which time he spoon-fed me and did absolutely everything around the house .

  18. 你不必担心,我会招呼他们的。其间,我还要去跟费利克斯商量一下福勒举办聚会的事。

    You needn 't worry ; I 'll be ready to greet them . Meanwhile I 'm off to discuss the Fowler 's party with Felix .

  19. 只要有人三五成群,我便周旋其间。

    Whenever I see a cluster of people , I always mix with them .

  20. 相比之下,丹麦的一项高脂肪食品税在执行一年后被废除,其间声称消费者们为了避免纳税,通过跨境去德国购买能够满足其需求且更便宜,脂肪含量更高的食品来避税。

    By contrast , a Danish tax on foods high in fats was abandoned a year after its introduction , amid claims that consumers were avoiding it by crossing the border to Germany to satisfy their desire for cheaper , fattier fare .

  21. 在视频网站YouTube上这段视频点击率已经超过23万,视频中两岁大的克莱尔数出了所有的理由,证明她的妈妈是“最好的妈妈”,其间偶尔停下来,用手指数着已经说过的理由。

    In a YouTube clip that has been viewed more than 230000 times , two-year-old Claire lists all the reasons why her mommy is the ' greatest mommy , ' stopping occasionally to try and count each of them on her fingers .

  22. 该会议五年举办一次,回顾其间发生的事情

    The Obama administration , unlike its predecessor , talks of ratifying the test-ban treaty .

  23. 年,塔特拿到博士学位,其间除了念书,她还得忙著抚养第一次婚姻生下的女儿

    Bruce Tarter , who has directed Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the past eight years . 1975

  24. line函数接受四个参数,代表的是要在其间绘制线条的点。

    The line function takes four arguments , representing the points between which a line is drawn .

  25. 其间,有人尝试用class属性为HTML元素提供语义。

    In the meantime , some have attempted to use the class attribute to give semantics to HTML elements .

  26. 其中着重以open系统调用为例,详细分析了文件打开的整个执行过程以及其间所调用的函数。

    Emphasis on open system call , it details analysis of the entire implementation process for opening the file and some called functions during the process .

  27. 其间重要的是SONY公司的顾客关系管理系统(CRM)。

    The investigation places the emphasis on SONY 's customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  28. 产毒串珠镰刀菌rDNA及其间区序列的比较研究

    Study on the comparison of rDNA and ITS sequence of Fumonisin-producing strains

  29. 这些都是在服务标识期间决定的,其间使用了多种技术,RUPSOMA中描述的那些技术也包括在内。

    These are decided during service identification , using techniques like the ones described in RUP SOMA .

  30. 在学习和记忆过程中,伴随有脑内RNA蛋白和多糖等多种生物大分子的合成增多,其间必然涉及多种基因的表达。

    During the process of learning and memory , the increased synthesis of RNA proteins and polysaccharides in the brain concerns the expression of multiple genes .