
  1. 方法选择荧光灯生产厂汞作业工人20名为接触组,无汞接触的其他从业人员20名为对照组,取外周血淋巴细胞,通过微核试验、彗星试验、hprt和TCR基因突变试验进行检测。

    Methods The peripheral lymphocytes from 20 workers exposed to mercury and 20 controls were measured with micronucleus test , comet assay , hprt gene mutation test and TCR gene mutation test .

  2. 关于生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管理人员及其他从业人员安全生产培训考核工作的意见

    Suggestions on evaluation of training in production safety for directors , safety-control managers and other workers employed in enterprises

  3. 目前对远程教师的各项研究占远程教育人力资源研究的绝对主体,而对技术人员、管理人员等其他从业人员管理的研究则非常缺乏。

    Currently , the studies on online teacher are abundant while the researches on distance manger or technical staff are seriously absent .

  4. 中等职业学校主要培养中、初级专业技术人员,技术管理人员,技术工人及其他从业人员。

    Secondary vocational schools trains middle , elementary professional and technical personnel , supervisory engineering staff , technical worker and their his employee mainly .

  5. 第一百一十四条证券交易所的负责人和其他从业人员在执行与证券交易有关的职务时,凡与其本人或者其亲属有利害关系的,应当回避。

    Article 114 . Leaders or employees of a stock exchange shall avoid performing any securities trading linked to their interests or their relatives ' interests .

  6. 这是重要的,因为慢性背部疼痛是人们去看医生和其他从业人员,包括按摩治疗师最常见的原因。

    " This is important because chronic back pain is among the most common reasons people see doctors and alternative practitioners , including massage therapists ," Dr.

  7. 如果这种想法是完全压倒你,你应该检查其他从业人员某些网站并找出谁设计他们的网站。

    If this idea is completely overwhelming to you , you should check out some Web sites of other practitioners and find out who designed their sites .

  8. 此外,由于户外运动风险管理过程的研究涉及到参与者、俱乐部、其他从业人员、政府等诸多主体,其研究的复杂性决定了其研究的长远性和动态性。

    In addition , as this research is concerned with participants , clubs , other employees , government and other subjects , its complexity determines that the research is of long-term and dynamic nature .

  9. 除了排名在前10%内的顶级法律机构外,这个金额远超其他法律从业人员的薪资水平。

    These sums significantly outpace other legal remuneration , except for the 10 % in the upper ranks at top law firms .

  10. 本文以实际工程为例介绍了如何利用VB编制GTS210的自动控制程序,可以被GTS210的用户直接引用,对其他数字测绘从业人员也有重要的参考价值。

    The thesis introduces how to program automatic controlling system of the total station , GTS-210 by practice , which can be refered by GTS-210 's user and also can do some work for the practitioner in digital surveying field .

  11. 其中,许多内容和观点的提出在国内尚属首次,为其他毒性病理学从业人员、GLP机构管理者及药审部门提供了新的思路和参考。

    Among them , a lot of contents and viewpoints are presented for the first time in China , which might throw light on other toxicological pathology practitioners , GLP managers and drug trial supervision departments .

  12. 优秀运动员既是普通的社会公民,也是专门职业的从业人员,他们同其他社会公民和从业人员一样,需要承担和履行应尽的社会责任。

    Excellent athletes is ordinary citizens , is specialized professional personnel , their citizens with other social workers , and to bear and do its social responsibility .