- gas drive

Production of attic oil in complex fault block reservoir by CO_2 gas drive
Study on a new IPR curve of horizontal wells in solution gas drive reservoirs
NMR study on porous flow mechanisms in low permeability reservoirs with CO_2 flooding
Analysis on influential factors of the effectiveness of increasing oil recovery by CO_2 flooding
Monitoring tests determined the orientation of mainstream CO2 gas and the water injection effect around the well .
In the process of CO2gas injection flooding , COt dissolved in the crude oil is affected by the function of slowly molecular diffusion .
The main research results we get are as following : First , In the CO_2 drive and microscopic model experiment , it is clear that the driving procedure is immiscible drive .
Considering the production response and the CO2 injectivity , the development scheme of Fang-48 fault block should be firstly the CO2 stimulation followed by CO2 drive , secondly by water-CO2 alternate flooding .
Because the oxygen was consumed to form CO 2 , the CO 2 content was up to 8 % in the produced gas ; an indirect flue-gas drive was realized in the process of air-injection ;
This paper has finished these researches , that it regards mining oil through gas injection and WAG from an oil reservoir as examples . Finally it applies the optimization control technique to a local application about CO2 huff and puff .
In operation design , the energy of dissolved gas drive could be increased through adding pure CO 2 to the prepad fluid ; and the CO 2 might play the role of cooling so as to attain the goal of reducing reservoir temperature .
The study of inflow performance relationship ( IPR ) is mainly focused on dissolved-gas drive reservoirs , and there is no applicable horizontal IPR model for three phase flow of oil , gas and water and the whole reservoir pressure .
O study the method of calculating IPR curves for wells of solubilized gas driving reservoir , this paper analyzed darcy formula and derived a new formula of productivity prediction which can be used in three phase flow of oil , gas and water .
In this work , based on Cheng and Liu 's formulas , the two of four present IPR equations for horizontal wells in dissolved-gas drive reservoirs , two assembled IPR models for horizontal wells with reservoir pressure higher than saturation pressure and water cut of zero were evolved .
In view of geologic and development characteristics in the low - permeability oil reservoirs and based on PVT experiments and phase behavior match , the influence of the development mode of natural gas drive on the effectiveness was studied by the use of numerical simulation technique .
/ a model for fractal growth of bubbles in displacement process
Analysis of Technique of Exploiting Coal bed Methane by Injecting Gas
A Simple Method to Determine Formation Pressure of Solution Gas Drive Reservoir
Lab Research of nitrogen and rich gas injection in Xi-52 volatile reservoir
Analysis of multiphase well test for solution - gas - drive reservoirs
Trends reservoir behavior of a dissolved gas drive oil reservoir
Foam can retard gas channeling and gravity override in gas flooding .
The Experiment Study of Hydrocarbon Gas Injection in Low Permeability Volatile Reservoir
Research on Numerical Simulation of Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery by Injecting Gas
Obtained the minimum miscible pressure according to slim-tube test .
Varied displacement experiments can be performed under reservoir conditions with this apparatus .
New inflow performance relationships for solution-gas drive vertical well
Inflow performance relationship for non-isothermal dissolved gas drive reservoir
Welding in Situ of Stainless Pipe in Gas-driving Station GO TO SEISMOLOGICAL SITE
A Study on Long-Core Experiment of Natural Gas Driving