
  • 网络Gas combustion;Incineration of gases
  1. G系列两级燃烧气体燃烧机程控器的研究

    Study on the Proceeding Controller for Automatic Gas Burning Machine s

  2. 运用CFD软件对顶燃式热风炉的气体燃烧和流动进行了数值模拟,得到燃烧室出口烟气速度的分布。

    The numerical simulations of gas combustion and flow in top combustion hot blast stove are studied with CFD software . And the distribution of gas velocity at the exit of combustion chamber has been obtained .

  3. 针对一个简单的CGR气体燃烧室的数值模拟表明,CGR燃烧可以有效的降低火焰温度。

    A numerical simulation on a simple CGR gas combustor is done , and the results show that the flame temperature is depressed obviously with CGR .

  4. 建立了在有限空间燃烧室内气体燃烧的数学模型,选择适当的数值计算方法,利用CFX软件包来仿真燃烧空间内气体燃烧场重要参量的分布。

    Building up the mathematic models of combustion for gas in a limited space , the paper selected the proper methods of numerical simulation and simulated the distribution of some important parameters in burner by CFX software . A good agreement is obtained between numerical and experimental results .

  5. 在灼热的气体燃烧室内,分子在各个方向上作无规运动。

    Within the hot gas chamber , molecules are moving randomly in all directions .

  6. 测量发动机气体燃烧湍流速度的激光多普勒方法

    The Laser Doppler Method to Measure the Turbulence Intensity of the Combustion in Engine

  7. 预混气体燃烧火焰闪烁现象分析

    On the flicker of premixed flames

  8. 这些时间定义了气体燃烧式发动机的特性,它们是发动机排放的决定性因素。

    These times define the character of a combustion engine and are decisive for its emissions .

  9. 研究了多层丝网结构对可燃气体燃烧抑制作用。

    The suppressive effect of multi-layer wire mesh structure on the combustible gas explosion is studied .

  10. 对合武铁路片(麻)岩隧道施工中发生气体燃烧的分析评价

    Analysis and evaluation of gas combustion in schist ( gneiss ) tunnel construction of Hefei-Wuhan Railway

  11. 在一定条件下,层流预混气体燃烧过程中可清晰地观察到多棱火焰现象。

    The polyhedral flame has been observed clearly when butane burns in some laminar , conditions .

  12. 气体燃烧的水分含量

    Gaseous fuel water content

  13. 通过气体燃烧损耗的流体力学分析,优化了通道结构设计和流速控制。

    Its channel structure and flow control have been optimized through the analysis of gas combustion loss and hydrodynamic .

  14. 燃烧器作为气体燃烧的主要设备,对于气体的高效清洁利用具有非常重要的作用。

    As the main equipment , gas combustion burner takes a very important role in the clean use of gas .

  15. 在高速公路超速行驶冲压加速器是利用预混可燃气体燃烧释放的化学能将弹丸加速的超高速发射装置。

    Ram accelerator is a propulsion technology for accelerating projectile to ultrahigh velocity using chemical energy of propellant gaseous mixture .

  16. 根据实验结果将超压的变化过程分为四个阶段,将气体燃烧的变化过程分为三个阶段。

    According to experimental results , the variations of overpressure and flame can be described as four and three phases respectively .

  17. 分析预混气体燃烧气流形成的层状结构,建立其分界面的模拟方程;

    A stratified structure formed by premixed gas burning stream is analyzed and a simulation equation for its interface is established .

  18. 驻留于凹腔内的可燃气体燃烧产生的热膨胀作用对点过程主流区域火焰的发展具有重要作用。

    The expansion by the burning gas in the cavity is important for the spreading of the combustion in the main flow .

  19. 通常如果恒星质量不大,大多数气体燃烧消耗,部分气体则会逃逸。

    Usually if the star is small in mass , most of the gases will be consumed while some of it escapes .

  20. 在研究中,多波长分析方法用于丁烷-空气混合气体燃烧火焰的温度测量。

    In this study , a multi wavelength analysis method was applied to the temperature measurements of a butane air mixed gas flame .

  21. 在对该系列气体燃烧机控制系统进行深入分析的基础上,提出采用电子式程控器来取代机电式程控器。

    Based on further analysis of this series of gas burning machines , electronic control proceeding controller , instead of electromechanical proceeding controller , was adopted .

  22. 另外,氢气作为一种未来具有广阔前景的新能源,开展氢-空气可燃混合气体燃烧特性和行为的研究势在必行。

    In addition , hydrogen is a promising alternative energy carrier in the future , and it is desirable to characterize the combustion behavior of its blends with air .

  23. 采用的计算方案适用于研究变负荷、变组分的低热值气体燃烧装置,可为此类装置的工程设计提供依据.混合气体中煤气热值偏低;

    It provides a good basis for the engineering design of the equipments of same type . the heat value of gas in the mixed gas is relatively low .

  24. 对惰性多孔介质内的气体燃烧规律进行研究,其中包括多孔介质中的预混火焰的传播和稳定性,多孔介质内燃烧效率和污染物排放。

    The combustion characteristics in porous media burner are investigated , including the propagation and stability of premixed flame , the combustion efficiency and the pollutant emission in porous media .

  25. 针对空腔内纯三维辐射传热和大速差射流燃烧室内三维湍流回流气体燃烧和煤粉燃烧,对其中辐射传热分别采用离散坐标模型和热流模型进行了分析与比较。

    Two radiative heat transfer models , the discrete ordinate ( DO ) model and the FLUX model , were both applied in a chamber and a large velocity slip combustor .

  26. 即使氢气冰会有很多有趣的可能性,但是如果不是这些缺陷的话,也需我会屏住呼吸去等待这种气体燃烧。

    So , gas hydrate may offer some interesting possibilities , but with all these drawbacks , I am not going to hold my breath to waiting for it to fuel my furnace .

  27. 本文主要针对二维非稳态爆燃火焰在狭缝中的传播机理与熄灭条件进行研究,旨在为可燃气体燃烧爆炸的防治以及阻火器的设计和应用等提供理论依据。

    Aiming to provide theoretical references for deflagration suppression and the design of flame arresters , propagating mechanism and quenching condition of premixed unsteady flames in narrow plate channels are simulated numerically in this paper .

  28. 本文给出了一个模拟可燃性气体燃烧反应的自催化非平衡统计模型,该模型能够基本描述可燃性气体稳定燃烧和失稳爆作的反应过程。

    It is given a autocatalytic nonequilibrium statistical model simulating combustion reaction of combustible gas in this paper . This model can basically describe the reactive process of stable combustion and explosion of combustible gas .

  29. 排气行程:活塞运动到汽缸的下止点,排气阀打开,空气和燃料构成的混合气体燃烧后产生的废气由排气系统排出。

    Exhaust stroke : After the piston reaches the bottom of the cylinder , the exhaust valve opens and the gasses left over from the fuel and air are sent out to the exhaust system .

  30. 本文通过实验及数值模拟的方法研究了预混火焰在不同狭缝间距及壁面温度的平板狭缝结构中传播与淬熄,旨在对阻火器的设计和应用及可燃气体燃烧爆炸的防治等提供参考。

    Aiming to provide theoretical references for deflagration suppression and the design of flame arresters , premixed flame propagating and quenching in narrow under different conditions are studied in this paper in experiment and numerical simulations .