- 动Petition;lodge a complaint against a lower government organization with a higher one

[appeal] 指当事人受国家机关不当的处分时,依法向原处分机关的上级机关提出申诉,请求撤消或变更原处分
The premier set his mind against all the appeals .
Terrorism recruits adherents on the basis of an appeal to human emotion .
There is a rule of retrial for the stage of reconsideration ( administrative appeal );
But they transform administrative reconsideration to administration of justice , making appealing system have its vigor again .
The constitution in violation of the equal rights can be appeals court ruling , legal regulation , legislation not as filed .
It is the responsibility of the party receiving the protest to convene the Appeals Jury and deposit the protest sum with the Treasurer .
In this part , writer make an introduction of the Nanjing government administrative reconsideration from the statistics of the Administrative Court and four specific cases .
Most of Zimbabwe 's top politicians and public servants , including judges , among them those presiding at the Supreme Court are beneficiaries of white-owned farms .
During the period of administrative appeal and administrative proceedings , the execution of the penalty may be suspended by the provision of bonds in the appropriate amounts .
Over 1 / 2 of members forming the Administrative Appeal Committee shall be personnel not from tax authorities , who tend to be more impersonal and impartial ;
Because if it is pleaded against me that I agreed to the modification of the Health Service , then what will be pleaded against my Right Hon .
The object of adjudication of constitutional petition mainly is the exertion or inexertion of public power when the basic rights that listed in the constitution are abused .
The responsibility rests with the Appeals Jury to exercise restraint and sound judgment in taking actions that will disturb the program of the event in any significant manner .
As the first country that brought the constitutional tribunal system , especially the constitutional petition system to Asia , Korea has obtained outstanding achievements during these years ' development .
In the whole society truly form a small government , big social situation , make the masses to freely express their appeals , various appeal channels and social harmony and stability .
Reconsideration ( administrative appeal ) shall not be prevented because of failing to pay 1 / 2 of the required tax payment , but will be subject to transfer to the Court for compulsory enforcement ;
Common law system introduced the British administrative procedure and the United States of America administrative judge program . Continental law system introduced a German opposition procedure and the French administrative remedy procedure . The Taiwan area is the appeal procedure description .
In modern system of constitutional review , the constitutional petition system which can directly protect citizens ' constitutional rights , provides a efficient system for the individual facing the state to seek the direct basic rights remedy , also plays a important role in maintaining the constitutional order .