
  1. 对于限制转让之应收账款债权办理保理的法律后果,应区分一般民事债权让与和保理等特殊商事行为,对限制让与约定的对外效力做出不同规定。

    In addition , the author suggests that we distinguish the assignment in factoring from general assignment of creditor 's rights by setting different rules on the external validity of assignment restriction agreement .

  2. 从理论上讲,MBO实质为一种特殊的商事法律行为,其特殊性体现在强制性与当事人意思自治相结合。

    In theoretically analysis , MBO is a kind of special commercial juristic action in fact , it 's peculiarity is that combine its embodiment with party 's autonomy .

  3. 从法律性质上分析,我国管理层收购是一种特殊的民商事法律行为,受民法和经济法双重调整,且带有浓厚的行政色彩。

    MBO in China is a special civil legal action , which is adjusted by civil law and economic law , with thick administrative color .