
  • 网络offer act
  1. 劳务之债的客体也都应该是给付行为+给付行为标的这种二元结构的,劳务之债客体中给付行为标的有多种多样的表现形式。

    And therefore , the target matters of offer act in objects of service obligation have various forms of existence .

  2. 不当得利以其是否基于给付行为而发生,可以分为给付不当得利和非给付不当得利。

    The unjust enrichment is based on whether have performance behaviors , divided into performance unjust enrichment and non-performance unjust enrichment .

  3. 理论界和实务界对侵占不法原因给付行为的定性问题一直存有争议。

    There is a consistent dispute on the issue of the qualitative of the payment with illegal cause between the theoretical field and the practical field .

  4. 侵占不法原因给付行为中的侵占是指将自己代为保管的他人财物非法占为己有,拒不退还或者拒不交出的行为。

    The encroachment in the payment with illegal cause is the act of unlawfully possessing others entrusted property , refusing to return or to hand them over .

  5. 在说明政府廉租住房概念的由来、对比考察域外类似概念的基础上,指出文章讨论的政府廉租住房和政府廉租住房给付行为的定义。

    In the low-rent housing based origin , concept of the comparative study of foreign similar concepts , points out that this article discusses the definitions of low-rent housing and low-rent housing supply behavior .

  6. 应收账款是一种基于合同而产生的权利,在法律上为一种可期待的信用,其实质内容是请求特定人为一定给付的行为。

    Accounts receivable is a kind of rights based on contract , which is a kind of expectant credit , its virtual content is an action which requests someone who is special do certain pays .

  7. 贿赂犯罪的本质是权钱交易,受贿犯罪的既遂标准应为收受贿赂,行贿犯罪则应为行贿人给付财物行为的完成,介绍贿赂犯罪则需行贿者送出财物,受贿者接受财物。

    The essence of crimes of bribery is the bargaining between power and money , so completed standard for bribe-taking crimes is taking bribe , for bribe-offering crimes is offing bribe , and for bribe-introducing crimes is briber 's offering bribe and bribe receiver taking bribe .

  8. 就现代婚约财产的法律性质,国内学界对此争议颇多,主要集中在对给付彩礼的行为性质认定上。

    Modern property on the legal nature of marriage , domestic scholars have a lot of controversy , mainly focused on the bride price payment determined on the nature of the act .

  9. 我国应建立与福利国家、积极国家以及给付行政模式相适应的行政给付行为理论。

    Theory on administration presentation action should be established to adapt to the welfare country , positive country and the mode of administration presentation .

  10. 其中,廉租住房给付是一种兼具过程性和裁量性的行政给付行为。

    Among them , the supplement of low-rent housing is a kind of administrative supply behavior , which has the characteristics of discretion and process .

  11. 在以成文法为主的大陆法系国家立法中,不法原因给付制度被作为不当得利的特殊例外来处理,制度的处理规则是不法原因给付行为发生后给付人不得要求受领人返还给付物。

    In the tradition of civil law of national legislation , the illegal cause performance generally treated as an exception of common unjust enrichment in statute law and these ill-gotten gains from illegal cause performance are not allow to return .

  12. 完善灾害给付制度,既可以保障公民在自然灾害中的生存权和发展权,也可以规制政府在自然灾害中的行政给付行为,防止权力的滥用,进一步保护公民的权利。

    Perfecting the system of disaster supply , the right to exist and development can be protected by law , and the administrative act of administrative supply can be regulated further protecting the rights of citizens to prevent the abuse of power in natural disasters .