
tínɡ zhǐ yínɡ yè
  • business suspended;suspension of business;winding-up of business
  • close a business;shut up a business;suspend business;wind up business
  1. 酒吧停止营业,直到另行通知。

    The bar is closed until further notice .

  2. 非常抱歉,这个柜台现在已停止营业。

    I 'm sorry , this counter is closed now .

  3. 这个柜台现在已停止营业。

    This counter is closed now .

  4. 今明两天(奥巴马来京期间),酒店内的奢侈品商店、VIP健身房都将停止营业。

    Luxury shops and a VIP gym inside the compound were ordered to stay closed today and tomorrow during Obama ` s visit .

  5. 在半导体等其他领域,近期欧洲企业衰落的速度有所加快,例如芯片制造商奇梦达(qimonda)等欧洲企业就已停止营业。

    The trend has accelerated recently in other sectors , such as semiconductors , where European companies such as Qimonda have gone out of business .

  6. 星期日英国大部分商店停止营业。

    In England most of the shops are closed on Sundays .

  7. 商店5时30分关闭(停止营业)。

    The shops close ( ie stop trading ) at 5.30 .

  8. 由于明天是假日,我们的商店停止营业。

    On account of holiday our store will be closed tomorrow .

  9. 我们绝对无意停止营业。

    We had absolutely no intention of going out of business .

  10. 星期六晚上停止营业后他神秘地失踪了。

    He vanished mysteriously after the close of business on Saturday night .

  11. 你们宾馆的餐厅几点停止营业?

    What time does the restaurant of your hotel close ?

  12. 由于商店停止营业,我将向你提供一些面包。

    As the shops are shut I 'll lend you some bread .

  13. 这些俱乐部直到凌晨4点才停止营业。

    The clubs don 't shut down until 4 am .

  14. 几乎所有的海湾鱼场都已经停止营业。

    all the gulf fishing grounds are closed for business .

  15. 这家旅馆在淡季,即从10月到3月,停止营业。

    The hotel is closed during low season , i.e.from October to march .

  16. 在德国,每星期六的下午停止营业。

    In germany , shop shut on saturday afternoon .

  17. 商店[办事处]5点30分停止营业[办公]。

    Shops / Offices shut / close at 5.30 .

  18. 在提早停止营业日,所有的商店下午就关了门。

    All the shops are shut in the afternoon on early closing day .

  19. 圣诞节次日是一个公众假期,因此商店和银行都停止营业。

    The day is a public holiday , so shops and banks are closed .

  20. 这家商店下午六时半停止营业。

    The shop closes down at 6:30 p.m. .

  21. 他在5点30分停止营业。

    He closes the shop up at 5.30 .

  22. 多数处于案发地带的商店停止营业直到周一晚上。

    Most shops in areas where the violence occurred remained closed as of Monday night .

  23. 他们五点停止营业。

    They shut up business at five .

  24. 他们决定自9月1日起停止营业。

    It was decided not to continue their business on and after September 1 . 6 .

  25. 由于受到国内安全形势的影响,伊拉克的大多数餐馆、咖啡馆和电影院都停止营业了。

    Most restaurants , cafes and movies have closed due to the country 's security situation .

  26. 这间酒吧将停止营业。

    The club will be closing .

  27. 第二项停止营业期间,不得超过六个月。

    The period of suspension set forth in the two preceding paragraphs shall not exceed six months .

  28. 安父亲的食品杂货店在赔钱,所以他决定卖完存货停止营业。

    Ann 's father was losing money in his grocery , so he decided to close out .

  29. 他经营一家马戏团,战争开始后,他只好停止营业了。

    He managed a circus , but when the war came he had to shut up shop .

  30. 公园停止营业时,很多设施仍然完好无损,并且逐渐被自然改造。

    When it closed , much of the park was left intact and it is slowly being reclaimed by nature .