
tínɡ chē fèi
  • parking fee
  1. 你需要付一元的停车费。

    You need to pay a one-dollar parking fee .

  2. 他是来收停车费的吗?

    Does he want to collect a parking fee ?

  3. 我想不到他们居然有脸要你付停车费。

    I think they 've got a cheek making you pay to park the car .

  4. 通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。

    Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots

  5. 他们带着无人驾驶的汽车去赴约,让空车绕着大楼转,以免付停车费。

    They take their driverless car to an appointment and set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking .

  6. 乘客可以避开拥挤的交通,不必支付停车费。

    Passengers can avoid heavy traffic and do not have to pay for the parking .

  7. 此份由物业咨询机构高力国际(colliersinternational)编制的全球第一份停车费报告显示,伦敦有车族的日子过得比其它地区更糟。

    The first global parking rate report , compiled by Colliers International , a property consultancy , shows that car-owning Londoners are worse off than in other regions .

  8. 推出共享汽车应用Maven,并出人意料地承认,当城市居民购买一辆车时,它贬值“相当快,你只是在3%的时间里使用它,但要为其余97%的时间花大量钱支付停车费”。

    and launching Maven , a car-sharing app , with the surprising admission that , when city dwellers buy a car , it depreciates " fairly rapidly , you use it 3 per cent of the time , and you pay a vast amount of money to park it for the other 97 per cent of the time . "

  9. 空间的限制可能也会使城市中的停车费更贵。

    Space limitations may also make parking costlier in the city .

  10. 你因为我的车没给停车费抓的我。

    You picked me up on an unpaid parking ticket on my van .

  11. 我非常反对收停车费。

    I really object to being charged for parking .

  12. 他们认为警察也要付停车费?

    Do they expect police to pay for parking ?

  13. 我需要支付停车费。

    I need to pay the parking meter .

  14. 刚才商场那要收停车费我从来都不交!

    The parking ticket from the mall -- I never paid the parking ticket !

  15. 杰克已经付了停车费。

    Jack had paid the parking fees .

  16. 哪个城市停车费最高?

    Which cities charge most for parking ?

  17. 你不仅仅节约了你的宝贵时间,也省下了停车费和油钱。

    You 're not only saving your precious time but also parking fees and gas .

  18. 按照规定支付停车费;

    Paying parking fees as provided ;

  19. 如果我停在你们任何一家办事处能不交停车费吗?

    But can I return the car to any of your offices without any drop charge ?

  20. 租车期间,承租方仅负责报销司机和车辆实际发生的过路费、停车费、过桥费。

    The vehicles above are all new , and the least leasing period is two years .

  21. 由于停车费涨价,他们的生意和收入大幅度减少。

    As the fees have gone up , their business and their incomes have fallen significantly .

  22. 停车费的收款箱。

    Box for collecting parking fees .

  23. 最近几周,北京停车费上涨引起人们的关注和争论。

    During recent weeks , a hike in parking fees has attracted attention and debate in Beijing .

  24. 确保你把公车车票;停车费或道路费都一起算进来。

    Make sure you add up the cost of any bus fare , parking fees or tolls .

  25. 加上飞机票、机场停车费、住宿费及其它一些旅途中杂七杂八的费用,这个数字还要大得多。

    Add airline fare , airport parking , hotel costs and other travel incidentals and the figure is much greater .

  26. 根据阿里·米尔斯顿,停车费将约为每月400美金或每日25美金。

    Parking rates will be attracted about $ 400 monthly or $ 25 per day , according to Ari Milstein ,

  27. 为了节省5块钱的停车费,一辆闪亮的宝马的主人可以开着车转半个小时。

    The owner of a gleaming new BMW will drive around for half an hour to avoid a50 cent parking fee .

  28. 他开着一辆老式丰田雅力士,为了省下停车费还总是将车停在离市中心很远的地方。

    He drove an old Toyota Yaris which he would leave away from the centre of town rather than pay to park .

  29. 拥有一辆闪耀的新款宝马车就得四处转悠半个小时避免交那点停车费。

    The owner of a gleaming new BMW will drive around for half an hour to avoid a 50 cent parking fee .

  30. 她说这样既不堵车省了汽油费还省了国贸高额的停车费。

    She said this not only avoids traffic jam , but also saves gas and high parking fees at the office building .