
  • 网络Malicious Virus
  1. 网上有个家伙给我发来一个恶意病毒,他偷走了我的网名和密码,更糟糕的是,我的硬盘也遭到了破坏。

    Someone from the Internet sent me a malicious virus and he got my screen name & password ! What is more , my hard drive has crashed .

  2. 因此,攻击活动源于美国的重要原因是许多美国人的电脑感染了恶意病毒,并因此成为了僵尸网络的一部分。

    The important thing about the attacks coming from the U.S.is that a lot of American 's computers are infected with malware , thus part of some botnet .

  3. 这时,你可疑检查所有被确认为恶意病毒的选项,或者与已知的间谍软件和广告软件有关的选项。

    At this moment , you suspicious to check all confirm as into to select hostile virus , or a related to known spy 's software and advertising software one select .

  4. 与PC类似,用户们同样需要保护他们的手机,以免受到恶意软件、病毒、数据丢失等问题的困扰。

    Similar to a PC , users need to protect their phones from malware , viruses , data loss and more .

  5. 例如,恶意节点将病毒散发在网络中,导致VBS.Gnutellaworm蠕虫病毒的流行。

    For example , the virus dissemination of malicious nodes in the network , resulting in VBS . Gnutella worm epidemic .

  6. 保证最重要的是要保证网络的接入安全,使其免受来自外部接入或内部的恶意攻击,病毒入侵。

    The most important thing is to ensure that network access security and protect them from external or internal malicious attacks , viruses .

  7. 因此由于杀毒软件识别的滞后性,它并不能发现未知的、新的恶意程序和病毒。

    Therefore because of the lag of the antivirus software , it can not found the unknown , new malicious programs and viruses .

  8. 如果我从不同人的计算机中发现了一个模型,这就说明,所有那些人的计算机都感染了相同的,恶意软件,病毒或蠕虫。

    The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people 's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm .

  9. 在当今这个信息化社会中,在网络应用的深入发展和技术进步的同时,非法访问、恶意攻击、病毒传播等网络安全威胁也越来越严重。

    In the information society , as development of network application and technology , network security threat like illegal access , malice attacks and virus spread etc. become more and more serious .

  10. “电脑狂暴症”的产生有多种原因。2013年针对美国成年人的一项调查显示,近半数(46%)的电脑问题是恶意软件或电脑病毒导致的,其次是软件问题(10%)以及内存不足(8%)。

    Users can experience computer anger and frustration for a number of reasons . American adults surveyed in 2013 reported that almost half ( 46 % ) of their computer problems were due to malware or computer viruses , followed by software issues ( 10 % ) and not enough memory ( 8 % ) .

  11. 本文的研究工作分为五个部分:首先,本文概述了入侵的概念,介绍了入侵的几个方面,包括网络监听、利用系统漏洞、恶意下载程序及病毒、IP欺骗。

    The study divided into five parts : Firstly , the paper summarizes the conception of intrusion .

  12. 我认为恶意软件、蠕虫病毒和其他病毒都会很快入侵平板和手机。

    I 'd expect to see malware , worms and viruses jump onto tablets and phones .

  13. 保护企业网络端点免受各种恶意软件(包括病毒、木马及间谍软件)、潜在危险程序、网络攻击和网络钓鱼。

    Protection of endpoints on a corporate network from all kinds of malware ( including viruses , Trojans and spyware ), potentially dangerous programs , network attacks and phishing .

  14. 为此,请按照下列步骤操作:警告:此替代方法可能导致您的计算机或网络更易于受到恶意用户或恶意软件(如病毒)的攻击。

    To do this , follow these steps : warning this workaround may make a computer or a network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses .

  15. 恶意制造系统改变了他们的签名恶意欺骗防病毒产品。

    Malware makers systematically alter the signature of their malware to fool AntiVirus products .

  16. 恶意代码有各种各样的形式,例如木马、恶意URL、病毒和钓鱼网站等等。

    There are various forms of malicious code , such as Trojan horses , malicious URLs , viruses and phishing websites .