
tuō jī
  • offline;off-line
脱机[tuō jī]
  1. 描述C波段跟踪雷达数据记录和脱机处理情况。

    This Paper describes data records based on C-band tracking radar and off-line processing .

  2. PDF能够以脱机的形式完成,随后以联机的方式提交。

    PDF enables off-line form completion to be submitted later in online fashion .

  3. 无法为脱机web配置应用程序根。

    Unable to configure an application root for the offline web .

  4. 现在,我们有了一个支持脱机的完整的移动Web应用。

    Now you have a complete mobile Web application that is offline-capable .

  5. 脱机工作时,web项目不支持复制项目。

    Copy project is not supported for web projects while working offline .

  6. 基于多Agent系统的脱机手写体汉字识别论中日汉字在语言文字体系中的相互影响

    Offline recognition of hand-written Chinese characters based on a multi-Agent system

  7. 如果未指定默认服务器,则project将在没有服务器连接的情况下脱机打开。

    If you do not specify a default server , project will open offline without a server connection .

  8. 将文件放置在Web服务器之前进行脱机测试时,这项特性可能非常有用。

    This feature can be useful for offline testing before putting the files on the Web server .

  9. 基于BP人工神经网络的脱机手写数字识别研究

    Off-line Handwritten Digit Recognition Based on BP Artificial Neural Network

  10. 基于CF卡的脱机视频播放系统在FPGA上的实现

    An FPGA Implementation of Offline Video Player System Based on CF

  11. 按“下一步”脱机继续windows安装程序。

    Press next to continue windows setup offline .

  12. 如果使用缓存exchange模式,则应考虑用户下载脱机地址列表时对服务器的影响。

    If you use cached exchange mode , you should consider the effect on the server when users download offline address lists .

  13. 解决方案管理员可以配置一个route中介来允许其将某个服务提供者切换到脱机状态。

    A solution administrator might configure a route mediation to allow her to switch a service provider offline .

  14. 在Oracle上执行脱机备份的步骤是

    The steps to perform an offline backup on Oracle are

  15. 在Oracle中从脱机(冷)备份中恢复

    Recovery from offline ( cold ) backup in Oracle

  16. 基于二叉树多层分类SVM的脱机手写体汉字识别

    A off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on the Binary Tree of SVM Multi-Classification

  17. 要防止Web站点受到这些恶意行为的攻击,至关重要的是,组织要实现在线和脱机的安全策略。

    To prevent Web sites being vulnerable to these malicious acts , it is critical that an organization implement both an online and offline security strategy .

  18. 如果已分区表包含任何XML列路径索引以外的其他全局索引,重组一个分区会导致整个表脱机

    Reorganizing a partition will put the entire table offline if the partitioned table has any global indexes besides XML column path indexes

  19. 这些数据除装入输入设备时外,其它时间与CPU是脱机的。

    These stored data are offline from the CPU except when loaded on an input device .

  20. 一种面向VLSI实现的脱机手写体数字识别系统的设计

    Design of a VLSI Implementation Oriented Off Line Handwritten Digit Classification System

  21. 本文下一部分展示如何混合在线和离线内容来创建一个灵活、可扩展的Web应用程序,从而提供良好的脱机功能。

    The next part of this article demonstrates how to mix online and offline content to create a flexible , extensible Web application that provides good offline capability .

  22. 介绍了Windows环境下设备驱动程序开发的主要工作和打印假脱机的各组件及其主要功能;

    Primary work for developing Driving Program driver in windows as well as basic function of each components in printing spooler is introduced ;

  23. 运行以下命令创建一个shell脚本,以它为例演示跨多个作业队列设备的作业假脱机

    To create a shell script to use as an example for demonstrating job spooling across multiple job queue devices , run the following commands

  24. 可以下载tar形式的文件并脱机操作(比如用笔记本电脑)。

    You can download the tarball and work offline ( with a laptop , for example ) .

  25. 在构建要提交给作业假脱机程序的shell脚本时,在脚本中定义PATH环境变量常常是一种好做法。

    When building shell scripts to submit to the job spooler , it is usually a good idea to define the PATH environment variable inside the script .

  26. 通过仿真器验证整个系统的运行是否正确,最后下载程序到DSP芯片,脱机用示波器直接观察信号的频谱波形。

    Finally we Validated the system by JTAG emulator , Then download the program to DSP and observe the spectrum wave by oscilloscope offline .

  27. 下面给出一个使用AIX作业假脱机程序执行批作业的简单示例。

    A simple example of using the AIX job spooler for executing batch jobs is shown below .

  28. 对于Oracle和DB2UDB数据库,有两种备份和恢复模式:脱机和联机。

    There are two modes of backup and recovery for both Oracle and DB2 UDB databases : offline and online .

  29. 这是MANIFEST文件的MIME类型,也是我后面将讨论到的脱机Web应用的一个关键。

    This is the MIME type for manifest files , a key to offline Web applications that I will discuss later .

  30. 对8例进展为ARDS者,及时进行机械通气并继续静脉输氧,其中5例低氧血症纠正并最终脱机。

    Hypoxemia was improved by mechanical ventilation and intravenous infusion in 5 of 8 ARDS cases .