
zǐ lèi xínɡ
  • subtype
  1. 接下来的一种基本结构是子类型或ROW类型。

    The next basic structure is the subtype or ROW type .

  2. 了解为MasterInformationHub解决方案中现有的类型层次结构和相应服务创建扩展子类型的步骤。

    Step through the creation of an extension subtype for a pre-existing type hierarchy and corresponding services developed as part of a Master Information Hub solution .

  3. Products(产品)&这个标签页显示属于所选子类型的产品列表

    Products-this tab shows the list of products that belong to the selected subtype

  4. EventConditionAction行为子类型候选确定事件的行为模式。

    Candidates for Event Condition Action behavioral sub type identify behavioral patterns of events .

  5. ProcessFlow行为子类型候选以特定的顺序并隐含一个在过程中每个活动上调用合适的操作的需求来处理活动和决策。

    Candidates for Process flow behavioral sub types handle activities and decisions in a specific order and imply a requirement for invoking an appropriate action at each activity in the process .

  6. 例如,您可以使用附加属性(比如CustomerName和CustomerContact)来定义一个名为CustomerProposal的文档子类型。

    For example , you can define a document subtype called Customer Proposal with additional properties , such as Customer Name and Customer Contact .

  7. LotusDominoV7.0.2没有返回SOAP错误子类型成员数据。

    Lotus Domino V7.0.2 does not return SOAP fault subtype member data .

  8. 这些额外的元素本应该添加到SAPERP中的业务对象子类型和工作流容器。

    These additional elements would have to be added to the business object subtype and workflow container in SAP ERP .

  9. 了解MasterInformationHub实体和服务的结构,以及如何定制子类型实体及其服务的实现。

    Gain insight into the structure of Master Information Hub entities and services , and the possibilities you have to customize the implementation of a subtyped entity and its services .

  10. 由于Scala融合了对象和函数语言风格,我实际上建模了Person(如上所述),但并未创建子类型。

    Due to Scala 's fusing of objects and functional-language styles , I could actually model my Person , as described above , but without creating subtypes .

  11. 另一方面,泛型不是协变的,List不是List的子类型,试图在要求List的位置提供List是一个类型错误。

    On the other hand , generics are not covariant ; List is not a subtype of List , and attempting to supply a List where a List is demanded is a type error .

  12. REFUSINGINTEGER子句指定了INTEGER数据类型,将使用这个数据类型表示该结构化类型及其所有子类型的REFERENCE类型。

    The REF USING INTEGER clause specifies that the INTEGER data type will be used to represent the REFERENCE type of this structured type and all of its subtypes .

  13. 这些子类型的基本区别和命名的原因是磁盘上FAT机构目录项比特数的大小。

    The basic difference in these FAT sub types , and the reason for the names , is the size , in bits , of the entries in the actual FAT structure on the disk .

  14. 产生证明责任验证Object-Z规格说明的行为子类型继承

    Checking Behavioral Subtyping Inheritance for Object-Z Specification via Generating Proof Obligation

  15. 类型多态性和面向对象编程的多态性:阅读有关多态性的Wikipedia文章,包括子类型多态性。

    Type polymorphism and Polymorphism in object-oriented programming : Read Wikipedia 's articles about polymorphism , including subtype polymorphism .

  16. Java语言支持称为子类型多态性的特定类型多态性,这意味着可访问某种类型(类)的实例,就像它是其他类型的实例。

    The Java language supports a particular kind of polymorphism called subtype polymorphism , which means that an instance of a type ( class ) can be accessed as if it were an instance of another type .

  17. 因为要在新的材料中表示其他数据属性,所以首先要在SAPERP中创建一个新的业务对象子类型,并创建其他属性。

    Because you want to represent a new material with additional data attributes , you first need to create a new business object subtype in SAP ERP and create the additional attributes .

  18. 迄今为止,在猪身上共发现3种A型流感病毒的子类型:H1N1,H1N2和H3N2。

    So far three influenza type A virus subtypes : H1N1 , H1N2 and H3N2 have been found in pigs .

  19. spec随后可被关联到产品类型(硬类型或软类型),如果需要的话,还可关联到其子类型。

    The spec can then be attached to a product type ( hard or soft type ) and , if required , cascaded down to its subtypes .

  20. CWM格式是包含更多细节的完整模型说明,这些细节比如详细的约束、复杂关系、超级类型和子类型等。

    The CWM format is a complete model description with more details , such as detailed constraints , complex relationships , and super and subtypes .

  21. 但存在继承性:SDO理解类型间的继承层次结构,给定属性要求给定类型,可指派子类型。

    There is inheritance , though : SDO understands an inheritance hierarchy among types , and given a property expecting a given type , you can assign a subtype .

  22. 元类扩展的EClass的具体子类型将会自动被添加。

    Concrete subtypes of the metaclass extension 's EClass will automatically be added .

  23. 在Object-Z中,继承一般不保持行为子类型,本文提出了一种基于Object-Z行为子类型继承来描述面向对象形式规格说明的方法。

    Object-Z does not maintain behavioral subtyping usually . This paper presents a method to describe Object-Oriented formal specification with behavioral subtyping inheritance .

  24. 一定要注意一点:ECA规则中介绍的时间操作符是一个通用的概念,可以应用于其他规则子类型中的条件。

    It is important to note that the temporal operator as described in ECA rule is a more general concept that can apply to conditions within the other sub types of rule .

  25. 通过规定在特定的上下文中不能用ProductCode类型的子类型替换,也能表达这种约束。

    You can also express that , in a particular context , no subtype of ProductCode type can be substituted .

  26. 在这种分析性使用方法的子类型的第二步中,把在数据仓库中发现的信息反馈给MDM系统,以便在IT领域中使用这些信息。

    In a second step in this sub-type of the analytical method of use , insight gained in the data warehouse is made actionable by feeding it back to the MDM System for use in the IT landscape .

  27. Haskell还有子类型,而且完全是多态的;这些特性超出了本文的范围,但如果您对此感兴趣,它们也值得研究。

    Haskell also has subtypes and is completely polymorphic ; these features go beyond this article 's scope , but they 're worth exploring on your own if you 're interested .

  28. 比如,有可能表示InvoiceType(Invoice编号的类型)不允许子类型化,任何人都不能定义新版本的InvoiceType。

    For example , it is possible to express that InvoiceType ( type of Invoice number ) cannot be subtyped , that is , no one can define a new version of InvoiceType .

  29. 通过使用DHT-Trader,出口者可以为一个服务发布若干名字,进口者仅根据其中之一就可以得到服务以及该服务类型的所有子类型。

    By using DHT-trader , an exporter can publish several service names by which an importer can retrieve service instances . Besides , an importer can get all the sub-class instances of a specified service .

  30. 返回一个具有转换成十进制子类型的值的变体型

    Returns a variant with a value converted to a decimal subtype