
  1. 王妈捧着燕窝粥进来,吴荪甫也没觉得。

    The maid , wang mah , came in with a bowl of bird 's-nest gruel for him .

  2. 吴荪甫异样地狂笑着,站起身来就走出了那书房,一直跑上楼去

    Laughing hilariously , Wu Sun-fu left the study and ran straight upstairs .

  3. 蓦地吴荪甫撩下了报纸,克勒一声冷笑。

    Suddenly Wu sun-fu threw the newspaper aside and laughed ironically .

  4. 吴荪甫挂上了听筒,脸色突又放沉了。

    As Wu sun-fu hung up , his features darkened again .

  5. 吴荪甫,孙吉人,拍掌喝采。

    Wu sun-fu and sun Chi-jen clapped and cheered him on .

  6. 吴荪甫匆匆忙忙起身离床,心里反复这么想。

    He thought , as he scrambled quickly out of bed .

  7. 于是陡然站住了,吴荪甫转脸看着少奶奶;

    He suddenly stopped and turned to look at his wife .

  8. 可是吴荪甫立刻放出威棱来把他喝住;

    But Wu sun-fu peremptorily called him to a halt .

  9. 吴荪甫笑了笑,他的眼光忽然变成很狞厉;

    Wu sun-fu smiled , then suddenly his eyes smouldered .

  10. 吴荪甫忍不住独自个哈哈笑了。

    Wu Sun-fu was unable to repress a sudden burst of laughter .

  11. 吴荪甫心里也像挂着一块铅。

    And Wu sun-fu 's heart felt as leaden as the sky .

  12. 吴荪甫怫然皱一下眉头,可是也就不再说下去了;

    Wu sun-fu frowned irritatedly , but said no more .

  13. 吴荪甫立刻皱了眉头,但还忍耐着。

    Wu sun-fu frowned , but let him go on .

  14. 吴荪甫眉毛一挺,笑起来了;

    Wu Sun-fu 's eyebrows shot up and he laughed .

  15. 他一边说,一边用心察看吴荪甫的脸色。

    As he spoke , he scanned Wu Sun-fu 's face carefully .

  16. 吴荪甫闭起半个眼睛,微微摇一下头。

    Wu sun-fu half closed his eyes and gently shook his head .

  17. 吴荪甫听着就点一下头。

    As he listened , Wu sun-fu nodded his approval .

  18. 吴荪甫想起了恨得牙痒痒地。

    It put one 's teeth on edge to think about them !

  19. 车里的吴荪甫卜卜地心跳。

    Inside the car , Wu sun-fu 's heart was pounding violently .

  20. 也没等少奶奶回答,吴荪甫就跑了。

    Without waiting for her answer , he walked off .

  21. 吴荪甫想来没有把握,他心里非常阴暗了。

    Wu sun-fu was far from sure , and his heart sank .

  22. 她勉强低声一笑,一面很快地把他的手撒开了。吴荪甫又表示了乐观的意思,勉强笑了一笑。

    She uttered a forced little laugh as she relinquished his hand quickly .

  23. 吴荪甫皱了眉头,自个儿冷笑。

    Wu sun-fu frowned and smiled grimly to himself .

  24. 吴荪甫摇摇头,心里还以为是做梦。

    Wu sun-fu shook his head , still sure that he was dreaming .

  25. 吴荪甫侧着头,眉头稍稍一耸。

    Asked Wu Sun-fu , tilting his head and raising his eyebrows slightly .

  26. 吴荪甫皱着眉头,别转脸就走过了。

    Wu sun-fu frowned , but walked on without another look at them .

  27. 他替吴荪甫着急,又为自己的使命悲观。

    He was anxious for Wu Sun-fu and miserable at his own failure .

  28. 吴荪甫的眉头皱紧了,但也点一下头。

    Wu sun-fu puckered up his brows , but nodded all the same .

  29. 吴荪甫笑了一笑,耸耸肩膀。

    Wu sun-fu smiled and shrugged his shoulders .

  30. 吴荪甫不置可否地淡淡一笑,转身就坐在一张椅子里。

    Wu sun-fu smiled non-committally , then turned and sat down on a chair .