
  • 网络camera bag;kata;N-Z
  1. 卡洛夫推荐乐摄宝(LowePro)ProRunnerx450AW摄影包(在lowepro.com上的售价为370美元(约合人民币2268元)),因为它装有滚轮,关键的是,它有背包肩带:“这很重要,因为我们到山中徒步的次数很多。”

    Mr. Karoff recommended the LowePro Pro Runner x450 AW ( $ 370 , lowepro . com ) because it has wheels and , critically , backpack straps : ' That was important because we did a lot of hiking into the hills . '

  2. 目前代理的产品主要是摄影包,脚架,滤镜等国外进口产品。

    At present our partners'main agent products include imported photo packages , stands , Filters etc.

  3. 他还没走吗摄影包还在我这

    Is he still there ? Well , just his camera bag . I 'm holding it hostage till

  4. 我从摄影包里找备用记忆棒,结果没放在包里,忘在宾馆里了。

    I go to the center to reserve camera memory stick , not on the bag , forgotten in the hotel .