
shè xiàng tóu
  • Camera;Webcam;security camera;CCD;pick-up head
  1. 设计了一套包括用CCD摄像头采集流水线上织物的图像信息,由计算机程序实时处理图像,利用织物疵点自动检测识别算法,对织物疵点进行检测,并进行其他处理。

    On the basis of this , we collect fabric image information on flow line using CCD pick-up head , handle image on real time using computer program , utilize fabric defects automatic detection and identification algorithm to detect fabric defects and other processing .

  2. 平面检测系统则包括硬件和软件两部分,硬件由生物光学显微镜、CCD摄像头、图像采集卡和PC计算机构成,集图像观察、采集、显示于一体。

    Accordingly the figure and size of MCP are confirmed . Plane testing system includes two parts , and software . Hardware is composed with biology optics microscope , CCD pick-up head , image collecting card and PC computer .

  3. 接待处有一个闭路电视摄像头。

    There 's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area .

  4. 警方摄像头已特别对准那一区域。

    Police cameras had been specifically trained on that area .

  5. 夫妇俩装了个24小时监控摄像头,想要抓住故意划坏他们车子的家伙。

    The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to trap the vandal scratching their car .

  6. 这种会话式机器人伴侣的眼睛里有摄像头,可以跟踪患者,并在交互中使用适当的面部表情和肢体语言。

    This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes , which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions .

  7. 此外,摄像头所创造的负责任的氛围对他们也有利。

    Then again , the air of accountability that the camera generates can also work in contractors ' favor .

  8. 然而,家里要是有承包商在工作,则不需要告诉他们家里有摄像头在监视。

    However , if a contractor is working in your home , you don 't need to tell them that there are cameras watching .

  9. 说到安全摄像头,波斯特说,主人有义务保证客人在家里做客时感到舒适。

    When it comes to security cameras , Post says it 's a host 's responsibility to make sure guests feel comfortable within their home .

  10. 这头“客厅里的大象”(显而易见而又被忽略的事实)就是联网安全摄像头——一个越来越多的人在家中为求心安而使用的设备。

    The elephant in your living room is your Internet-connected security camera , a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes .

  11. “这当然是一个新领域,尤其是现在安装家庭安全摄像头已经不是什么难事了,”艾米丽,波斯特学院院长兼美国首席礼仪顾问利兹·波斯特说道。

    " It 's certainly new territory , especially as home security cameras become easier to install , " says Lizzie Post , president of the Emily Post Institute , America 's foremost manners advisors .

  12. 例如,主人要是能讲述一件有关于家里摄像头的事儿,漫不经心地承认家里有摄像头,这就足以让客人有机会说己是否觉得不舒服了。

    For instance , if the host casually acknowledges that there is a camera in the room by telling a story about it , that may be enough to provide an opening for a guest to say if they are uncomfortable .

  13. 我认为,如果不涉及安全问题的话,就是否告诉别人你家安装摄像头了以及客人是否有权要求关掉摄像头而言,看会出现什么礼仪问题将会是一件非常有趣的事。

    " I think it will be very interesting to see what etiquette emerges in terms of whether you tell people you have a camera or not , and whether guests have a right to ask that it be turned off , if it 's not a security issue . "

  14. 但在遍地摄像头的年代,这么骗钱就更难了。

    But in an age of ever-present cameras , it 's getting a lot harder to pull off .

  15. 当地面控制人员通过监控摄像头终于看见杨利伟眨眼时,同事们忍不住喊出了声:“他眨眼了!利伟还活着!”

    When ground control finally saw Yang blink his eyes through the surveillance camera , his colleagues burst out crying , " He 's blinking ! Yang is alive ! "

  16. 听上去够酷的了,不过该公司已经开始研发包含摄像头和人工智能技术的升级版鞋子,不仅可以探测到障碍物,还可以检测出是何种障碍物。

    That sounds impressive enough , but the company is already working on a much more advanced version that incorporates cameras and artificial intelligence to not only detect obstacles but also their nature .

  17. 日前,Win10系统的一次升级已经让许多网络摄像头停止了工作。

    A Windows 10 update has stopped many popular webcams from working .

  18. Linux环境下设备驱动的开发特点,详细介绍了Linux环境下摄像头驱动的开发。

    The programming of the device drivers under Linux .

  19. 医学视频实验系统中基于Matlab的摄像头接口开发

    Development of Video Camera Adaptor for Matlab-Based Program in Microscope System for Medical Experiments

  20. 基于CMOS摄像头与FPGA的位置检测系统设计

    Design of Position Detection System Based on CMOS Camera and FPGA

  21. linux环境下基于usb摄像头的图片采集与分析

    Under linux environment based on usb camera 's picture gathering and analysis

  22. 基于CCD摄像头的航空相机最佳成像位置定位系统

    Locating system of optimum imaging position of aerial cameras with CCD cameras

  23. 利用CCD摄像头测量航空相机的焦面信息

    A Measuring System of Focus Plane Information to Aerial Cameras Using CCD Camera

  24. 使用单目摄像头作为手势输入设备,通过编写的Visualc++控制台程序,进行音乐演奏。

    This system inputs gesture using single-eye camera and compiles Visual C + + console application program for musical performance .

  25. 3D条形码阅读器通过你的手机摄像头,扫描出条形码,并能找出商品。

    3D bar code readers use your phone 's camera to literally scan bar codes and search for products .

  26. 基于PC摄像头的考试监控系统为这一问题提供了低成本、高效率的解决方案。

    PC-camera-based monitoring system of examinations provides for the issue of low cost , high efficiency solution .

  27. 基于CMOS摄像头的高速路车道识别系统的研究

    Research on Speedway Lane Detection System Based on CMOS Camera

  28. Linux平台下高分辨率摄像头设备USB驱动的研究与改进

    Research on the improvement of the high-resolution webcam USB driver based on the Linux platform

  29. 它是一个带有两个棱镜的网络摄像头,模拟人类的视觉,将其捕获的图像转为3D图片。

    It 's a webcam with two lenses that mimics human sight and turns the images it captures into3D footage .

  30. CCD摄像头采集视频信号,通过微波发射器件发射;

    The video signal is collected by the CCD camera and then transmitted by the microwave transmission device .