
lòu dǐ
  • Expose the bottom;disclose the ins and outs;show bottom;betray a confidence;let out the whole story;give the show away;reveal the inside story
露底 [lòu dǐ]
  • [reveal the inside story;disclose the ins and outs] 泄漏底细;泄露事情的内容

  • 魔术没变好,露底了

  • [show bottom] 显露出底部

  • 小河露底

露底[lòu dǐ]
  1. “小甜甜”布兰妮今年因几次进出戒疗所、被拍到未穿内裤的“露底照”以及(与老公)争夺孩子监护权风波而频登世界各地媒体的头条,因此被孩子们评为“淘气王”。

    Spears , whose stint in rehabilitation , panty-less pictures , and custody battle for her children has won headlines globally , was awarded top " naughty " honors with younger and older children .