
lòu tóu
  • show one's head;appear;emerge;outcrop


lù tóu
  • outcrop;broyl;bryle;back
露头 [lù tóu]
  • [appear;emerge]∶出现,露出

  • 错误言行一露头,就应立即纠正

  • (1) [show one's head]∶露出头部

  • (2) [outcrop]∶岩层露出地表的部分

  • (3) [emerge;appear]∶比喻出现

  • 旱象已经露头

露头[lòu tóu]
露头[lù tóu]
  1. GPR和SAFARI技术在露头储层研究中的应用初探

    Application of GPR and SAFARI techniques to the study of outcrop reservoir

  2. 常规的层位标定方法有地质露头、VSP测井、区域明显地质层、人工合成记录等。

    The common methods include geologic outcrop , VSP well logging , regionally obvious geologic layer and artificial compound data , etc.

  3. 经过选举,反对派开始露头。

    After the elections opposition groups began to emerge .

  4. 基层地方主义开始露头。

    A grass-roots regionalism appears to be emerging .

  5. 老鼠刚一露头儿就给猫逮住了。

    The mouse had hardly come out when the cat caught it .

  6. CX盆地露头岩样电阻率测试与分析

    Resistivity measurement and analysis of rock sample in CX Basin

  7. 研究了近年出现的储层露头技术GPR和SAFARI。

    GPR and SAFARI techniques , which are developed in recent years and used for outcrop reservoir research , are studied .

  8. 而在PS变形域,则以垂向上的纯剪应变(垂向拉伸)为主,在水平露头上局部显示出左旋剪切特征。

    However , in the PS domain lots of pure shear strain indicators are found in outcrops perpendicular to foliations , and sinistral shear indicators can been seen locally in subhorizontal outcrops .

  9. 测区内除有基岩露头外,主要是一些基岩风化层,即原地表土层(1m左右,为旱田或果园)。

    Besides the bedrock outcrop , there are mainly some basal weathered horizon , namely autochthonous overburden ( about 1m , farmland or orchard ) in the measurement area .

  10. 矿泉水厂沟的翡翠泉是典型的酸性岩溶冷泉,含水层水的径流较珍珠泉慢且滞留时间相对长些,含有一定的CO2,系一深部含水层地下水的露头。

    The Jadeite Spring is a typical acidic karst water cold spring . The flow velocity of the water in the Jadeite Spring aquifer is slower than that in the Pearl spring , and its water hence has relatively long detained time .

  11. 而在陆地露头中,CORB主要为浅红色、红色或紫红色灰岩和页岩。

    However , CORB outcrops are generally composed of red , reddish or purple shales and limestones .

  12. 通过对野外露头的详细观察和描述、室内薄片观察、扫描电镜、能谱分析等测试手段,揭示了二道江剖面万隆组的地层、岩石、臼齿构造(MT)及沉积岩相和沉积环境特征。

    Based on the observation and description of outcrops , thin-section observation , scanning electron microscope and energy spectrum analysis , the characteristics of strata , lithology , Molar-tooth structure , lithofacies and sedimentary environments are respectively documented .

  13. 以阜新矿区刘家沟F1号地质断裂露头为窗口,研究断裂面的分形性质,研究表明,断裂面具有各向异性分形特征。

    Based on the outcrop of a geological fracture , F1 , at Liujiagou in Fuxin , the fractal property of the fracture is studied . It shows that the fracture is of anisotropic fractal behaviours .

  14. B.格里戈良分带指数的综合方法,建立了矿体元素地球化学和黄铁矿晶体形貌的分带模式,并以此作为对开拓的矿体下延深度和矿化露头进行评价的依据。

    By using a comprehensive method including cluster analysis , factor analysis , correspondence analysis and zoning index , a zonation pattern of ore clement geochemistry and crystal form of pyrite is established and used as basis for evaluation the depth extent and mineralized outcrop of the orebody under development .

  15. 英国王室对今年的榜单也有一定影响力,梅根和哈里亲自挑选的、在其婚礼上伴奏的大提琴手谢库·坎内·梅森以及在Ins上展露头角的万人迷、玛格丽特公主的孙子亚瑟·查托也上榜了。

    The royals have also had an influence on this year 's list , which features SHEKU KANNEH MASON , the cellist hand-selected by Meghan and Harry to play at their wedding as well as Arthur Chatto , the grandson of Princess Margaret and an up-and-coming Instagram heartthrob .

  16. 美欧之间一场关于保护主义的争吵昨晚开始露头。此前美国诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司(NorthropGrumman)和法德航空航天与防务集团EADS宣布,由于存在不正当竞争,它们退出了一项500亿美元的军购竞标。

    A row between the US and Europe over protectionism was brewing last night after the US 's Northrop Grumman and EADS , the Franco-German aerospace and defence group , pulled out of a $ 50bn military tender amid accusations of unfair competition .

  17. 不平坦的三角洲前缘席状砂&来自露头和地下的证据

    Non-flattening Delta Front Sheet Sand & Evidence from Outcrops and Subsurface

  18. 猫一露头,老鼠就急忙钻进洞里。

    The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared .

  19. 荆门-当阳盆地上三叠统露头层序地层学研究

    Research on Outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Triassic in Jingmen-Dangyang Basin

  20. 试验效果分析表明,深孔爆破是对露头铀矿体实施原地爆破的有效技术,能获得较好的经济效益。

    Longhole blast is beneficial technique and can bring better economic benefits .

  21. 贵州独山石炭系露头层序地层学研究

    On Outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy of Carboniferous in Dushan , Guizhou

  22. 露头油藏是一种潜水面控制的特殊油藏,研究它可以丰富石油地质理论和指导干燥盆地的勘探。

    Outcrop oil reservoir is a special reservoir controlled by water table .

  23. 露头不良的矿化几乎肯定要漏掉。

    Poorly exposed mineralization is almost certain to be overlooked .

  24. 陆相盆地露头储层地质建模研究与概念体系

    Geologic modeling for outcrop reservoir of continental basin and the conceptual systems

  25. 他们的主要精力放在研究天然露头的地层情况与构造上。

    Their main effort is directed to stratigraphy and structure of outcrops .

  26. 两位候选人最终露头成为总统职位竞争者。

    Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency .

  27. 陕北石油秩序柴达木盆地露头油藏的特征及其勘探前景

    The features and exploration prospect of outcrop oil accumulation in Qaidam Basin

  28. 煤层露头火区孔与裂隙的分形特征

    Fractal Structure of Pores and Splits in Coal Combusted Outcrop

  29. 应该充分利用现场可以利用的任何一个露头。

    Full use should be made of any exposures available on site .

  30. 我觉得为刚斩露头角的人才,投资的想法不错。

    I love the idea of being a patron of burgeoning talent .