
  • 网络tamarix;tamarix l
  1. 塔里木盆地荒漠区柽柳属植物花器官形态特征及其分类学意义

    Flower Organs morphologic characteristic of Tamarix Plants in Tarim Basin Desert and Its Taxonomic Significance

  2. 柽柳属植物不仅是耐盐碱、耐干旱植物,同时也是最优良的防风固沙植物之一,曾在改善和维持民勤沙区生态环境中发挥了重要作用。

    Tamarix is not only a salt-resisting and drought-tolerating tree , but also a excellent wind-breaking and sand-fixing plant , which has ever played significant role in rehabilitating and improving the desert ecological environment of Minqin county .

  3. 新疆罗布泊地区柽柳属(Tamarix)植物根际土壤中可培嗜盐古菌多样性研究

    Biodiversity of Culturable Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Tamarix Rhizosphere Soil in Lop Nur Region of XinJiang , China

  4. 柽柳属植物的分类特征基于空间统计特征的河网结构分类

    Classification of River Networks Structure Based on Spatial Statistical Character

  5. 新疆柽柳属植物种有16种,占全国柽柳种类的80%。

    Xinjiang possesses 16 kinds of Tamarix genus plants , takes over 80 % of total of country .

  6. 柽柳属是柽柳科中分布最广,种类最多的属,全世界柽柳属植物90余种。

    Tamarix genus is one of the widely distributed and greatest varieties of genus in the tamarix family .

  7. 多枝柽柳是分布最为广泛的柽柳属植物之一,也是维持干旱区荒漠生态系统的关键植物种。

    Tamarix ramosissima , one of the most widely distributed plants of its genus , belonged to the key species for maintaining desert ecosystems in arid regions of China .
