
  • 网络Homeless;Homeless people;street sleepers;outlier;homelessness
  1. 你会看见很多露宿者,却根本不知道要怎样做。

    You see so many homeless people and you never know how to act .

  2. 参与这个计划鼓励我将来与露宿者保持沟通。

    Working on this project has encouraged me to stay connected with homeless people in the future .

  3. 一个完好的睡袋是每个露宿者必不可少的装备。

    A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every campers equipment .

  4. 由于调查期间社会福利署及非政府机构推行的露宿者服务均较少在深宵进行外展

    In the period of survey , there was not any late night service provided by SWD

  5. 老人露宿者综合外展队

    Multi-disciplinary team for elderly street sleepers

  6. 1996年的主题为:“家庭:贫穷和露宿者的头号受害者”。

    In 1996 , it was " Families : First Victims of Poverty and Homelessness . "

  7. 街头露宿者工作小组

    Working Group on Street Sleepers

  8. 说实话,我对露宿者一无所知,还觉得他们挺吓人的。

    To be honest , I knew nothing about homeless people and they kind of scared me .

  9. 我的一个朋友参加了一个帮助露宿者的计划,所以我决定找一个星期跟着去。

    A friend was involved in a project with homeless people so I decided to go along one week .

  10. 我正在接受医生培训,我能想象自己最终为露宿者进行外科手术的情景。

    I 'm training to be a doctor , and I can see myself working in specialist surgeries for homeless people eventually .

  11. 当露宿者来到急症室时,我见过一些医生很慌张。

    I 've seen some doctors freak out when a homeless person comes in to A & E ( Accident and Emergency ) .

  12. 我只想与露宿者交流,然而负责所有事情将会是一项更庞大的工作。

    I just wanted to interact with homeless people , but being in charge of the whole thing is going to be a much bigger job .

  13. 年传播潜势用帐者和露宿者在研究第1年分别为0.94及3.47,至第10年时均降为0;

    The annual transmission potential of bed net users and those sleep outdoors reduced from 0.94 and 3.47 in the first year of observation to zero in the 10th year of study ;

  14. 但你怎么能跟一个露宿者说这些呢?从这个角度看,我的经历对我很有帮助,它让我在任何情况下都能自如地跟人交谈。

    But how can you converse like this with a homeless person ? From that point of view , it has been very useful for me to become comfortable talking to people in all sorts of situations .

  15. 他们不知道从何开始——他们平时会问这类问题:“你住在哪里?”或“你昨天做了什么?”但你怎么能跟一个露宿者说这些呢?

    They don 't know where to start - they would normally ask questions like : " Where do you live ? " or " What did you do yesterday ? " but how can you converse like this with a homeless person ?