
  • 网络Pandanus austrosinensis;Pandanus tectorius;Radix Pandani Tectorii;Pandanus utilis;Pandanus gressittii B.C.Stone
  1. 波利尼西亚的一种露兜树属植物。

    Type genus of the Pandanaceae ( as screw pines ) .

  2. 露兜树树叶产生的纤维,用于织物(如垫子)。

    Fiber from leaves of the pandanus tree ; used for woven articles ( such as mats ) .

  3. 一种高大的古生代树木,外表与现代的露兜树相似;结构上介于苏铁和针叶树之间。

    Tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines ; structurally intermediate in some ways between cycads and conifers .

  4. 床垫是用露兜树的叶子编成的。面包果和鳄梨可以从树枝上摘取。

    Sleeping mats are woven from screw pine leaves , and breadfruit and avocados can be picked from the branch .

  5. 除了探索各种新食材(木犀属植物、露兜科科植物、莴苣和木姜),他们还要面对令人望而生畏的各种中式新烹饪法,这些方法完全不同于他们学过的技巧。

    In addition to exploring a vast pantry of new ingredients ( osmanthus , pandan , celtuce and wood ginger ) , they are facing a daunting new arsenal of Chinese cooking techniques , entirely different from the skills they 've been schooled in .