
shè yǐnɡ qì cái
  • photographic equipment
  1. 与此同时,我的摄影器材也经历了多次革新。

    During this time my photographic equipment has undergone unexpected transformations .

  2. 长沙市数码摄影器材商城简介

    Profile of Changsha Digital Photographic Equipment Hypermarket

  3. 我们在国外买的摄影器材要付关税。

    We had to pay customs on the camera equipment we bought abroad .

  4. 我公司拥有高品质的商业级摄影器材。后期处理全部由苹果电脑完成。

    A case in point , Apple computers are inclusively used for post-production in our company .

  5. 几天以来,Stroud搬运遍及各处的摄影器材,以第一人称来记录他的旅程。

    For seven days , Stroud hauls his camera equipment around and documents his journey in the first person .

  6. 两个歹徒砸了一家摄影器材商店的橱窗,抢走了陈列的商品。

    Two men made a smash-and-grab raid on the camera shop .

  7. 摄影器材的市场定价与正常销售价格。

    List of Manufacturer set price and regular price on the market .

  8. 干燥剂告诉你:摄影器材,严防受潮。

    The desiccator tells you : Photographic apparatus should Be kept dry .

  9. 这位摄影器材商也开一个小修理店。

    The cameraman also has a small repair shop .

  10. 我在一家摄影器材公司得到一份助理经理的工作。

    I got a job at a photographic supply house as assistant manager .

  11. 这是她的摄影器材。

    It 's just her camera gear .

  12. 这位摄影师安装好了他的摄影器材。

    The photographer set up his apparatus .

  13. 摄影器材造型设计的研究

    Research of Camera Equipment Sculpt Design

  14. 目前在长三角各大摄影器材城都有合作伙伴。

    Currently we have already had large number of partners in various photography equipment shopping marts in Delta .

  15. 这位教授使用了最先进的摄影器材来记录这令人难忘的遗址,就此改变了探索的面貌。

    This professor used state-of-the-art photography equipment to record the site , forever changing the face of exploration .

  16. 不久他们搬到旧金山卡斯特罗街,合力经营一家摄影器材商店。

    Soon they move to the San Francisco Castro street , manages a photographic equipment store with joint forces .

  17. 摄影器材价格不菲,选择一款称心如意的相机,或者升级手中现有的器材都是摄友们慎重考虑的问题。

    This lecture is prepared for people who have questions about photo equipments , like cameras , lens and accessories .

  18. 是上海专业做摄影器材配件外商独资的进口贸易公司。

    Ltd was founded in2010 , which is a professional import and foreign-owned company in the field of photographic apparatus'accessories .

  19. 以致于他的家庭生活也受到影响,因为他在摄影器材上花了太多的钱。

    His family 's life-style suffered as he plowed more and more money into the finest camera bodies and lenses available .

  20. 他收拾好自己的摄影器材,与朋友一起走到车旁,开车前往一个图瓦村庄。

    He packed up his photo equipment and walked with his friend to their car to drive to an ethnic Tuvan village .

  21. 今天这位摄影师已经能负担得起他想买的任何顶级摄影器材,他也从这些器材中得到了乐趣。

    Today he can afford to buy whatever equipment he wishes , and he does , and enjoys every one of them .

  22. 其核心经营业务是在京城享有盛名的马连道茶城,同时还经营具有较大规模的摄影器材城。

    Its core operations are in Beijing at the prestigious City Maliandao tea , while also operating with a large-scale photographic equipment City .

  23. 大部分的比较仅仅停留在摄影器材的优缺点上,这样的比较会忽略摄影器材对于人们精神层面的影响。

    Mostly , people just compare the advantages and disadvantages in photographic equipment , such a comparison ignores the spiritual difference that photographic equipment brings .

  24. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,这名47岁的摄影师自己用涂硅尼龙和碳纤维杆制作风筝,然后把摄影器材安置在风筝下的一个吊篮里。

    The47-year-old French photographer makes his own kites using siliconized nylon and carbon sticks , and ties his image equipment in a small cradle dangling from the kite .

  25. 然而,你到多数折扣商店去买摄影器材,家庭用品、书籍、唱片及其他非个人用品,可以省点钱。

    Nevertheless , you can save money in most discount stores on such things as photographic equipment , household items , books and records and other non-personal articles .

  26. 最近,会有一些朋友会写信或者留言给我,问我狠多关于摄影器材的问题。例如设备的型号,参数的设置和使用的技巧。

    It started with that I received some letters and messages with questions regarding the choice of camera model , how to set up the parameter and the skill of better using the camera .

  27. 跟这些匠人谈论的结果是:你只会对你的摄影器材越来越忧心,然后再也拍不出一张好图片了。

    Too many people spend so much time grappling with technique that they completely forget that technique and equipment is nothing more than a small step in a very long journey in creating great images .

  28. 在不到10年的时间里,飞兆成长为拥有1.1万名员工的企业,它的母公司费尔柴尔德摄影器材的利润基本全部来自于此,并因此成为了华尔街表现最佳的股票。

    In less than 10 years , Fairchild Semiconductor grew to 11,000 employees and made more or less all the profits of its parent company , Fairchild Camera , which became the best-performing stock on Wall Street .

  29. 晚上10点半我们登机时,他穿着一件长及腿肚的黑色冲锋衣,在片场他就穿这个——中国的片场在冬天特别寒冷——背着一个沉重的双肩包,里面主要装着摄影器材,那是他的个人爱好。

    As we boarded the plane for our 10:30 p.m. flight , he sported a huge calf-length black parka , which he wears on set - Chinese sets are notoriously frigid in the wintertime - and carried a heavy backpack filled mostly with equipment for photography , a personal hobby .

  30. 为防止开幕式细节泄露,北京奥组委要求观众在观看彩排时不得携带任何摄影摄像器材入场。

    As a precaution against details of the show being leaked , the audience was prohibited from carrying cameras or DVs .