
  • 网络waterproof matches
  1. 其他的美国改革包括防止火柴在烧尽后的闷烧现象,还有防水火柴可以在水中点燃八小时。

    Other American innovations include an anti-afterglow solution to prevent the match from smouldering after it has been blown out ; and the waterproof match , which lights after eight hours in water .

  2. 携带一种求生工具,例如刀子,电筒,防水火柴,求生蜡烛,指南针,急用毯子,水净化剂,急救包和急用雨具。

    Keep a survival kit close to your body , including a knife , flashlight , waterproof matches , survival candle , compass , emergency blanket , water purification tablets , survival whistle , first aid kit , and emergency rain gear .

  3. 工具箱中应该有刀子,手电筒,防水火柴,求生蜡烛,指南针,应急毯子,水净化片,求救口哨,急救箱和应急雨具。

    The kit should include a knife , a flashlight , waterproof matches , a survival candle , a compass , an emergency blanket , water purification tablets , a survival whistle , a first aid kit , and emergency rain gear.Now you can hit the trail with confidence .