
  • 网络Corrosion resistance;anticorrosion;rotproofness
  1. 硫酸铜具有防腐性,这是不曾有过问题的。

    The antiseptic properties of copper sulphate have never been questioned .

  2. 对新研制的工业用洗涤剂YR-101的质量指标进行了检测,结果表明,YR-101的去污力、腐蚀性、防腐性等质量指标均达到轻工业部颁发的ZBY43002-86标准。

    The properties of newly developed industrial detergent YR-101 were tested .

  3. 汽车用防冻液的金属防腐性试验

    Test on Metal Protection by Antifreezing Fluid Used in Automobile

  4. 钢铝混合车身防腐性设计的关键技术

    Key Tips of Anti - corrosion Designing of Aluminum - steel Hybrid Body

  5. 搪瓷涂层是一种非晶态无机非金属材料,其表面光滑,具有良好的防腐性。

    Its surface is smooth with good corrosion resistance .

  6. 镁合金表面热喷铝工艺及防腐性研究

    Research on the Processing of Metallizing Aluminum and Corrosion Resistance on the surface of Magnesium Alloy

  7. 它不仅提高柱的强度和延性,而且防腐性好。

    It not only increases the strength of the pillar and ductility , but also the antisepsis is good .

  8. 测试了涂膜的硬度、附着力、柔韧性、耐水性及防腐性等性能指标。

    The curing regularity was determined by testing resistance to water and degree of cross linking of the coating film .

  9. 汽车行业:广泛用作防腐性的涂漆用于车身,防止锈蚀。

    Automobile Industry : Used in a variety of anti-corrosive paints applied to car ´ s bodywork to prevent rusting .

  10. 不锈钢截止阀适用于各类腐蚀性介质的管道上,蝶阀有良好的防腐性和足够的强度;

    Stainless steel made stop valve is of good anti-corrosive property and enough strength and suitable for various pipelines with corrosive medium .

  11. 通过添加某种特效添加剂,研制了一种新型的对6种金属具有较好防腐性的汽车防冻液。

    By adding a specific additive , a new antifreezing fluid used in automobile which is good for6 metals protection has been developed .

  12. 采用防腐性自由泪液是过去10年促进泪液替代的最重要方法。

    Introduction of preservative free tears is the most important contribution in the formulation of the tear substitutes in the last decade or so .

  13. 结果表明:漆膜的耐候性、防腐性,防锈性能优异。是用途较广的环保型防腐涂料。

    The result indicates that it has such performances as anti-corrosion , weather resistance and corrosion resisting , the environment friendly anticorrosive paint used extensively .

  14. 以环氧富锌底漆、云母氧化铁中间漆、脂肪族聚氨酯面漆组成聚氨酯涂料体系,该体系具有防腐性优异、耐久性好的特点。

    According to the requirement of coatings , yellow zine epoxy primer and two-pack high solid acrylate polyurethane coating are chosen to be containers paints .

  15. 防腐性好,是小球场、排球场、网球场以及经常受外力冲击场地最好的选择。

    Corrosion is good , is a small court , volleyball court , tennis courts , and often under external impact site the best option .

  16. 同时还具有安全性好、强度高、色彩丰富、密封性好、防腐性强、施工简便、造价低廉等优点。

    Meanwhile our products also get the advantages of good security , high-intensity , sealed well , strong corrosion-resistance , easy installation and competition price .

  17. 制备的复合锂-钙基脂具有高滴点和良好的胶体安定性、剪切安定性,良好的抗水性、防腐性和润滑性。

    The said grease possesses high dropping point and good colloidal and shear stability as well as good anti corrosion , water resistance and anti wear properties .

  18. 另外,苏格兰的一座著名建筑的尖顶将进行替换,因为腐蚀和生锈已经造成损坏。使用防腐性材料来避免将来的维修费用将是一个长期过程。

    In addition , the steeple at a famous building in Scotland also had to be taken down , as corrosion and advanced rust had ravaged it .

  19. 该工艺得到的镀层外观漂亮,防腐性和硬度较好,镀液覆盖能力强,电流效率高。

    The deposits obtained by the process has satisfactory appearance , corrosion resistance and hardness , and the plating bath has advantages of high covering power and current efficiency .

  20. 采用分子量适中的环氧树脂对反应性有机硅低聚物进行共聚改性,充分利用有机硅树脂的耐高温性和环氧树脂的防腐性及高附着力。

    An epoxy modified silicone resin , which had the features of epoxy and silicone resins , was prepared by the polymerization of epoxy resin with compatible and reactive silicone oligomer .

  21. 结论提高毒饵、胶饵对德国小蠊的适口性及在自然条件下提高胶饵的保水性、防腐性等有助于提高灭效。

    Conclusion The efficacy could be improved if palatability of the bait or gel bait was improved and holding water and antisepsis capability of gel bait under natural condition was improved .

  22. 研制了可薄涂单组分改性环氧富锌底漆。该富锌底漆的漆膜厚度为15-25μm时即具有优异的防腐性,且采用了环境友好型溶剂,降低了对环境的污染。

    The title primer has been developed , which shows excellent corrosion protective property with the film thickness only 15-25 μ m , and used environmentally-friendly solvents to reduce pollution to environment .

  23. 本纱窗坚固耐用,表面光滑、不易变形、易于清洗、防腐性好,可以加工制做成需要的不同颜色、美观大方。

    The utility model has the advantages of firm and durable structure , shapely configuration , convenient use , smooth surface , unease deformation , easy cleaning , and good anti-corrosive performance ;

  24. 它改变了冷却塔主要以钢框架作为承载件的传统,而以玻璃钢板壳作为冷却塔的承载结构,因而使冷却塔具有重量轻、外型美观及防腐性强等优点。

    Instead of steel frame , FRP panels are used to support cooling tower 's loading , so this kind of cooling tower has a lot of advantages such as light-weight , good style and corrosion resistance .

  25. 介绍了钢铝混合车身的主要腐蚀特点,有针对性地提出了在车身设计阶段应注意的一些防腐性关键技术,以提高车辆的使用寿命。

    This paper presented the primary corrosion types of body in aluminum-steel . Key tips of anti-corrosion in body designing stage were brought forward , which should be paid more attention to and certainly prolonged the life of the vehicle .

  26. 快干防水防腐改性PS涂料

    Quick-Drying , Waterproof , Anti-Corrosion Modified PS Coating

  27. SDBS掺杂聚苯胺的溶解性和防腐蚀性研究

    Solubility and Corrosion Protection of SDBS Doped Polyaniline

  28. 木材阻燃防腐改性的研究

    Study on Fire Retardant and Decay Resistance Modification of Wood

  29. 不同镍铁合金镀层组合的防腐蚀性

    Corrosion Resistance of Various Compositions of Ni-Fe Alloy Deposits

  30. GB/T2046-1980锰青铜板一种铜铝合金,具有很高的抗张强度和防腐蚀性。

    Manganese-bronze sheets a copper-aluminum alloy with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion .