
fáng yì
  • epidemic prevention;antiepidemic
防疫 [fáng yì]
  • [epidemic prevention] 防止、控制、消灭传染病措施的统称,分经常性和疫情后两种,包括接种、检疫、普查和管理传染源、传染途径和易感人群

防疫[fáng yì]
  1. 陕西水生动物防疫检疫工作分析与研究

    Analyse and research of Shaanxi aquatic animal epidemic prevention and quarantine

  2. 猪细小病毒病流行的调查与防疫研究

    Study on the Epidemiological Investigation and Epidemic Prevention of PPV Disease

  3. 一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。

    A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits .

  4. 增加防疫救治医疗设施

    Build more medical facilities for epidemic control and treatment . ►

  5. 而且,影院也要承担防疫用品的额外支出。

    Besides , they have extra costs for pandemic-prevention items .

  6. 发热诊室配备的医护人员应具备防疫专业技能。

    They should have professional staff with anti-epidemic skills .

  7. 德国新明斯特市近来设立了一座“新冠监狱”,强制关押那些拒绝遵守防疫规定的人。

    A " Covid jail " has been opened in Germany for people who repeatedly break quarantine rules .

  8. 通知要求,各地要落实“健康码”信息互认机制和规则,切实方便人员出行和跨省流动,实现防疫“健康码”全国互认。

    All regional authorities should implement and achieve universal recognition of health codes nationwide , stressed the circular .

  9. 但入住该酒店的巴西奥运代表团处于“气泡防疫模式”下,与其他客人分开,没有被感染。该支代表团共有31人,其中包括柔道运动员。

    But a 31-strong Brazilian Olympic delegation athletes , are in a " bubble " in the hotel and separated from other guests and have not been infected .

  10. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  11. 为防控疫情,主办方已经开启奥运会“气泡防疫模式”,但医学专家担心,奥运会服务人员的流动可能制造感染机会,“防疫气泡”可能做不到完全密封。

    Organizers have imposed Olympic " bubbles " in an effort to keep out COVID-19 , but medical experts are worried that they might not be completely tight as movement of staff servicing the games can create opportunities for infection .

  12. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  13. 白色獭兔R新品系各世代发病情况统计分析及防疫措施

    Statistics and analysis on the epidemic of white - rax and prevention measures

  14. 在中文Windows95平台下,以Access为应用系统开发工具,设计广西区卫生防疫站生物制品微机管理单机版系统。

    A stand-alone computerized management system of biological products was developed on Windows 95 platform with Access in Guangxi Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Centre .

  15. 北京市SARS的防疫措施和疫情的发展趋势分析

    Analyzing the Trend of Epidemic Prevention Methods and the Cases on SARS in Beijing

  16. 特定序列的DNA检测技术在疾病诊断,药物筛选,疾病防疫和环境保护等方面发挥着重要的作用,已经成为很重要的研究领域之一。

    Specific sequences DNA detection has become a most important research field due to its application in disease diagnosis , drug screening , epidemic prevention and environmental protection .

  17. 发热门诊诊治患者1512人次,留观85人,实现了SARS防治5个零的防疫目标。

    512 patients were treated and 85 were remained for further treatment . Epidemic goal of 5 zero against SARS was fulfilled .

  18. 本文提出了我国兽医防疫管理体制改革的基本思路和建议:根据市场经济运行规律和WTO规则的要求,加快动物防疫法制化进程;

    This paper produces some basic thinking and advices on reforming livestock epidemic management system . : according to market-oriented economy rules and WTO rules , step up the legalization of animal epidemic prevention ;

  19. 采用VisualFoxPro6.0开发商品化动物防疫监督证章标志管理系统,取代现行手工管理模式,并引入科学管理机制。

    A commercial management system was developed for managing certificates , seals and marks in animal epidemic prevention supervision operations by means of Visual FoxPro 6.0 in an attempt to replace manual management operation and introduce scientific management mechanism .

  20. CDC声称由于他的孩子和妻子接触了防疫站而被感染,这名士兵意外的接到了休假通知。

    The father was unexpectedly furloughed and evidently his wife and son touched the vaccine site and became infected , the CDC said .

  21. 农村地区能否实行疾病控制中心模式(CDC),是深化卫生防疫体制改革的焦点问题之一。

    Whether the CDC model can be implemented in rural areas is one of the key problems related to further reform of health prevention system .

  22. 方法对9个铁路工程局隧道工5482人进行接尘史的回顾性调查,并调集各局卫生防疫站历年施工隧道粉尘监测资料,用SAS软件进行统计分析。

    Methods Dust exposure histories of 5 482 tunnellers from 9 Railway Engineering Bureau and dust monitoring data were investigated and collected . SAS was used for statistic analysis .

  23. 方法:用包括HIV抗体阳性、弱阳性和阴性共20份考评血清对53个医疗防疫单位的艾滋病毒检测初筛实验室进行现场测试。

    Methods : The total of 53 HIV antibody screening laboratories were evaluated using a set of serum panel containing 20 serum specimens with 8 HIV antibody reactive , 2 HIV antibody weak reactive and 10 HIV antibody non-reactive .

  24. 结论FTA法能快速检测水产品中吸虫囊蚴,具有简便、快速且敏感性高的优点,适宜海关防疫检验。

    It 's suggested that FTA has the advantage of convenience , rapidity and high sensitivity in detection of metacercariae in aquatic products , and could be used in customs quarantine inspection .

  25. 方法收集1993&2001年世界银行贷款结核病控制项目期间涟源市卫生防疫站4747份肺结核病历资料,对影响肺结核患者治疗转归的有关因素进行单因素分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。

    ? Methods The data of 4 747 cases in Lianyuan Disease Control and Prevention Station from 1993 to 2001 were collected to analyze the factors influencing the treatment outcome of TB patients by using Chi square test and unconditional Logistic regression analysis .

  26. AFP病例48h内调查率95.16%,14d内双份合格粪便标本采集率90.32%,粪便标本7d内送至省卫生防疫站占87.10%。

    The collecting rate of double stool specimens of AFP patients within 14 days reached 90.32 % . The specimen delivery rate was 87.10 % within 7 days to Anhui Sanitary and Anti epidemic Station .

  27. 监测结果提示食品卫生工作者要提高对单增李斯特菌和O157∶H77的认识,加强基层防疫站的监测能力,及时发现3种致病菌的血清型变迁和污染食品的种类变化,及时采取防治措施。

    Coli , and the monitoring capacity of local CDC should be reinforced so as to recognize the change of the serological type of the 3 most common pathogens and types of contaminated foods in time .

  28. 防疫人员给每一辆进出村子的车子消毒。

    Two health workers disinfect each car goes through the village .

  29. 理性生存价值:近代卫生防疫法移植的历史路径

    Rational Existence Value : Historical Approach to Modern Sanitation Epidemic Prevention

  30. 部队卫生防疫人力资源配置标准的研究

    Study on standard of primary military health anti-epidemic human resource allocation